Our school is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate, by blending rigorous standards, collaboration and teamwork, and interpersonal skills.
At Pee Dee Elementary, (PDE), we develop World Class Knowledge through rigorous standards based learning. Primary reading data revealed significant progress on the DIBELS assessment with most students meeting benchmark. We attribute this success to strategic small-group instruction and deliberate and intentional differentiation for all students. Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) data is used to provide personalized instruction for all students. MAP assessments are used to identify student strengths and weaknesses and provide teachers with diagnostic information in the areas of reading, language, and math. Teachers celebrate with students when they meet or exceed target goals on MAP. Progress was made in each grade level towards meeting these goals.
World Class Skills are developed through school-wide instructional initiatives which included effective mathematics instruction, small group intensive reading intervention, integration of literacy in the content areas, technology integration, and the use of collaboration and teamwork. Opportunities for students to problem solve and persevere through difficult tasks were provided. All teachers were trained in engagement structures to effectively involve all students in the learning. Our fifth grade classes are all 1:1 with iPads and our 3rd and 4th grade classes are 2:1. A variety of digital content programs for students in grades K-5 support students as they work at their instructional level. This allows for greater differentiation of learning. An average of 150 Lexiles of growth were noted for students in grades 3-5.
Civic, personal, and social responsibilities were taught through classroom guidance lessons and PBIS to encourage Life and Career Characteristics. After-school offerings included clubs for robotics, Good News, Rubiks Cube, running, drama and chorus. The final year of our 21st Century Learning Grant supported students in grades 2-5 in need of additional academic support. Cultural offerings were also provided to support well rounded students.
Partnerships between home and school are valued. A variety of nights were held to assist parents with valuable information. These nights included, but not limited to, curriculum, assessment, math and science, and literacy. PDE also hosted reading nights for families to engage in fun, learning activities together. Our PTO offered free movie nights, a Winter Wonderland, a Sweetheart Dance, and Tie Dye event. The success of any school requires the support of an active School Improvement Council, PTO, volunteers, business partners, staff, and parents. We are fortunate to have a community that provides for our children and our school. At Pee Dee Elementary, we have much to celebrate!
Dr. Angela Huggins, Principal Tyson Gerald, School Improvement Council Chair