Financial Data
Not Rated
Financial Data
Not Rated
School level Financial Information
Our School |
Change from Prev Year |
Average teacher salary |
$47,470 |
Up from $46,051 |
Percent of expenditures for instruction |
70.0 |
N/A |
Percent of expenditures for teacher salaries |
62.7 |
N/A |
Average administrator salary |
$79,346 |
Down from $79,439 |
Percent of students in poverty (TANF, Medicaid, SNAP, foster child, homeless or migrant) |
79.4 |
Up from 75.9 |
Prior fiscal year State & Local Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure |
$4,083 |
Down from 6299 |
Prior fiscal year Federal Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure |
$483 |
Down from 1050 |
Prior fiscal year State & Local Non-Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure |
$61 |
Down from 1537 |
Prior fiscal year Federal Non-Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure |
$577 |
Down from 630 |
Prior fiscal year Total State & Local Per Pupil Expenditure |
$4,144 |
Down from 7836 |
Prior fiscal year Total Federal Per Pupil Expenditure |
$1,060 |
Down from 1680 |
Prior fiscal year Total Per Pupil Expenditure |
$5,204 |
Down from 9516 |