
District of Laurens County School District 56

Superintendent:  Dr. David C. O'Shields
Board Chair:  Mr. Jim Barton
District Address:
100 Old Colony Road Clinton, SC 29325
Student Enrollment: 2715

Academic Achievement

Questions about what your child should be learning in school?

This indicator displays the SC READY ELA and Math test results for elementary and middle school students and the End-of-Course English II and Algebra I test results for high school students.

NOTE: Additional Achievement results disaggregated across subgroups can be found in the Download Data section of this website as well as on the State Assessment Results pages.

Overall Student Performance

SC Ready English Language Arts and Mathematics

English Language Arts (Reading and Writing) - Percent Met or Exceeding

District 47.4%    (537 / 1134)
State 53.9%    (184573 / 342443)

Mathematics - Percent Met or Exceeding

District 38.9%    (441 / 1134)
State 40.9%    (139957 / 342443)

End-of-Course Assessment Results in English 2 and Algebra 1

English - Scoring C or Higher

District 59.6%    (112 / 188)
State 64.4%    (42569 / 66123)

Algebra - Scoring C or Higher

District 50%    (87 / 174)
State 41.8%    (28453 / 68002)

Additional Information

Our District Change from Last Year
Prime instructional time 88.1 Up from 85.9

Academic Achievement

Details Student Performance across District and State

SC READY English Language Arts and Mathematics

English Language Arts (Reading and Writing)

Not TestedDoes Not Meet ExpectationsApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
Our District 0.3 24.9 27.5 25.6 21.8
Not TestedDoes Not Meet ExpectationsApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
Statewide 0.7 20.7 24.7 25 28.9


Not TestedDoes Not Meet ExpectationsApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
Our District 0.4 31.4 29.4 21.3 17.5
Not TestedDoes Not Meet ExpectationsApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
Statewide 0.7 30.3 28.2 21 19.9

End-of-Course Assessment Results in English 2 and Algebra 1


Not TestedFDCBA
Our District 3.2 18.6 18.6 18.6 17.6 23.4
Not TestedFDCBA
Statewide 5.5 14.2 15.9 18.2 19 27.2


Not TestedFDCBA
Our District 5.2 21.8 23 25.3 13.2 11.5
Not TestedFDCBA
Statewide 5.7 29.6 22.8 19.5 11.5 10.8

District Level Details

SC READY Performance by Grade Level

English Language Arts (Reading and Writing)

Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8
Our District Percent Met or Exceeding 56.4 50 50.6 41.1 43.1 46.8


Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8
Our District Percent Met or Exceeding 60.3 49.5 45.3 33 27.1 25.7

Academic Achievement

Participation Rate by Subgroup

Our DistrictStatewide
Homeless 95.5 97.6
Our DistrictStatewide
Foster Data N/A 96.9
Our DistrictStatewide
Military Connected Data N/A 99.4
Our DistrictStatewide
Migrant Data N/A 99.2
Our DistrictStatewide
Female 98.6 99.2
Our DistrictStatewide
Male 98.7 99
Our DistrictStatewide
NonEconomically Disadvantaged 99.3 99.6
Our DistrictStatewide
Economically Disadvantaged 98.5 98.8
Our DistrictStatewide
Not Disabled 98.7 99.3
Our DistrictStatewide
Disabled 98.7 98.3
Our DistrictStatewide
English Learner 100 99.5
Our DistrictStatewide
Caucasian 98.9 99.3
Our DistrictStatewide
Hispanic 100 99.3
Our DistrictStatewide
American Indian Data N/A 98.4
Our DistrictStatewide
Asian Pacific Islander Data N/A 99.6
Our DistrictStatewide
African American 98.2 98.9
Our DistrictStatewide
ALL STUDENTS 98.7 99.1

Preparing for Success

Questions about what your child should be learning in school?

This indicator displays the SC READY Science test results for elementary and middle school students and the End-of-Course Biology and U.S. History test results for high school students.

Overall Student Performance

SCPASS Science

Science - Percent Met or Exceeding

District 38.1%    (152 / 399)
State 45.1%    (50704 / 112478)

End-of-Course Assessment Results in Biology and US History and the Constitution

Biology - Scoring C or Higher

District 32.4%    (71 / 219)
State 40.9%    (27992 / 68493)

US History and the Constitution - Scoring C or Higher

District 35.9%    (65 / 181)
State 42.1%    (25198 / 59847)

Additional Information

Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

Percentage of Students enrolling in Kindergarten and Demonstrating readiness to learn

Our DistrictStatewide
Overall 47.4% 38.3%
By Domains:
(The cut score for "Overall" was used across all domains in order to provide comparative information. Does not necessarily reflect domain level readiness.)
Social Foundation 61.2% 49.4%
Language and Literacy 41.3% 34.6%
Mathematics 41.8% 35.2%
Physical Well-Being 54.6% 53.4%

First and Second Grade Students on Track for Success in ELA and Math

  Our DistrictStatewide
  % N % N
Second grade students who are on track for success in English Language Arts at the third grade. 41.4% 181 51.1% 55077
Second grade students who are on track for success in Mathematics at the third grade. 50.8% 181 51.3% 55077
First grade students who are on track for success in English Language Arts at the second grade 43.9% 212 53% 56191
First grade students who are on track for success in Mathematics at the second grade 50.9% 212 54.4% 56191

Preparing for Success

Details Student Performance across District and State

SCPASS Science


Not TestedDoes Not Meet ExpectationsApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
Our District 0.5 33.6 27.8 23.3 14.8
Not TestedDoes Not Meet ExpectationsApproaches ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
Statewide 0.7 32.6 21.6 24.7 20.4

End-of-Course Assessment


Not TestedFDCBA
Our District 5.5 43.8 18.3 13.2 8.2 11
Not TestedFDCBA
Statewide 5.9 37.7 15.5 14 10.9 15.9

US History and the Constitution

Not TestedFDCBA
Our District 7.7 44.2 12.2 13.8 7.7 14.4
Not TestedFDCBA
Statewide 6.7 35.9 15.3 13.4 10.5 18.2

District Level Details

SCPASS Performance by Grade Level


Grade 4Grade 6
Our District Percent Met or Exceeding 41.5 35.4

Multilingual Learners' Progress

Multilingual Learners - ML

The goal is that students who are learning the English language will become proficient in English within at least five years of their initial enrollment in public schools.

Percent of Students in the ML Subgroup who Met Progress Toward Proficiency Target 43.6
Number of Students in the ML Subgroup who Met Progress Toward Proficiency Target 34
Number of Students in the ML Subgroup included in the Met Progress calculation 78
Number of Students in the ML Subgroup 90
Number of Students in the ML Subgroup who Achieved English Language Level Proficiency 19
Percent of Students in the ML Subgroup who Achieved English Language Level Proficiency 24.4

Graduation Rate

On-Time Graduation Rate

District 77.8%    (165 / 212)
State 83.8%    (49914 / 59540)

District Four-Year Cohort Graduation Rate

2020 2021 2022 2023
District 78.2 81.2 80.8 77.8
State 82.2 83.3 83.8 83.8

Additional Information

Our District Change from Last Year
Annual Dropout Rate 4.7 No change
Dropout Recovery Rate 0.0 Down from 5.1

High School Student Success

High School Student Success Measure

Percent of students demonstrating success in High School.


District 76.8%    (314 / 409)
State 80.3%    (100803 / 125545)

Percentage of First-Year Students On-Track to Graduate (1YOTG)

District 72.8%    (150 / 206)
State 76%    (50899 / 67015)

Five-Year Student Success Rate (5YSSR)

District 80.8%    (164 / 203)
State 85.3%    (49904 / 58530)

Homeless 66.4
Foster 42.8
Military Connected 91.7
Migrant 62.2
Female 88.3
Male 79.5
NonEconomically Disadvantaged 92.9
Economically Disadvantaged 76.4
Not Disabled 87.7
Disabled 58.2
English Learner 76.6
Caucasian 87.2
Hispanic 79.9
American Indian 79.5
Asian Pacific Islander 93
African American 79.7
Homeless Data N/A
Foster Data N/A
Military Connected 0
Migrant 0
Female 83.5
Male 72.5
NonEconomically Disadvantaged 92.5
Economically Disadvantaged 73
Not Disabled 84.9
Disabled 47.5
English Learner Data N/A
Caucasian 76.7
Hispanic 64.3
American Indian 0
Asian Pacific Islander Data N/A
African American 80.4

College and Career Readiness

Students in the graduation cohort who are college OR career ready

District 63.3%    (133 / 210)
State 64.7%    (38515 / 59488)

Students in the graduation cohort who are college AND career ready

District 29%    (61 / 210)
State 29.4%    (17461 / 59488)

Students in the graduation cohort who are college ready

District 32.4%    (68 / 210)
State 32.6%    (19421 / 59488)

Students in the graduation cohort who are career ready

District 60%    (126 / 210)
State 61.4%    (36555 / 59488)

Note: In 2020, the cohort of students measured for CCR changed from just graduates to all students in the four-year on-time graduation cohort (graduates and non graduates).

Additional Information

Our District Change from Last Year
College Enrollment: Percentage of graduates from the prior year’s four-year graduation cohort who were enrolled in an in-state or out-of-state two- or four-year college in the Fall immediately following their on-time graduation year. 71.8 Up from 61.3
Number of students in the graduation cohort who have completed FAFSA forms 130 Up from 101
Percent of students in the graduation cohort completing college applications 61.9 Down from 65.0
Percent of students in the graduation cohort eligible for LIFE scholarship 60.0 Down from 61.1
Percent of students in the graduation cohort eligible for Palmetto Fellows scholarship 4.3 Up from 3.9

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Students enrolled in CTE courses 547
CTE completers 55
Total students earning national or state credential 118
Industry Credentials earned by Career Cluster
(A student may have earned multiple credentials)
Marketing 0
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics 0
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics 0
Other * 53
Architecture & Construction 0
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications 0
Finance 0
Business Management & Administration 0
Education & Training 0
Government & Public Administration 0
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 27
Health Science 47
Human Services 0
Information Technology 0
Hospitality & Tourism 0
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security 32
Manufacturing 0

College and Career Readiness Details

College Ready

Students in the graduation cohort who are college ready 32.4%    (68 / 210)
Students in the graduation cohort who achieved an ACT composite score of 20 or higher 10.5%    (22 / 210)
Students in the graduation cohort who achieved an SAT score of 1020 or higher 11.4%    (24 / 210)
Students in the graduation cohort who earned an Advanced Placement (AP) score of three or higher 9%    (19 / 210)
Students in the graduation cohort who earned an International Baccalaureate (IB) score of four or higher 0%    (0 / 210)
Students in the graduation cohort who completed six hours of dual credit course work with a grade of C or higher 30.5%    (64 / 210)
Students in the graduation cohort who scored a C or higher in any Advanced Level (A) Cambridge International Exam 0%    (0 / 210)

Career Ready

Students in the graduation cohort who are career ready 60%    (126 / 210)
Students in the graduation cohort who have completed Career and Technical Education (CTE) with certification 22.9%    (48 / 210)
Students in the graduation cohort who completed a state-approved work-based learning experience 7.6%    (16 / 210)
Students in the graduation cohort who achieved 3 or above (or Silver or higher pre-2022-23) on the career readiness assessment 46.7%    (98 / 210)
Students in the graduation cohort who took the ASVAB and scored 31 or higher 0.5%    (1 / 210)
Students in the graduation cohort with a disability who successfully completed the South Carolina High School Employability Credential 0.5%    (1 / 210)


Average ACT Score Achieved by Students : English, Math, Reading, Science, Composite of all four tests

Average ACT Score Achieved by Students : Writing

D 18.1 17.3 18.4 17.8 18.2
S 18.4 17.1 19.2 18 18.7

D 6.3
S 5.7

Percent of Students Meeting ACT College-Ready Benchmarks

English Benchmark Score: 18 Math Benchmark Score: 22 Reading Benchmark Score: 22 Science Benchmark Score: 23 All 4 Subjects
43.9 19.3 29.8 19.3 10.5

ACT® benchmarks are scores on the ACT subject-area tests that represent the level of achievement required for students to have a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in corresponding credit-bearing first-year college courses. The ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc.

Career Readiness Assessment

The South Carolina Career Ready Test* is a career readiness assessment administered to all eleventh-grade students to measure the most common skills that employers define as foundational for career readiness.

Percent of students earning an Employability Credential by scoring an Achievement Level of 2 through 5 on the employability skills assessments (Math/Reading/Data)

Students who achieved Level 2Students who achieved Level 3Students who achieved Level 4Students who achieved Level 5
Our District 26.1 18.4 20.7 1.9
Students who achieved Level 2Students who achieved Level 3Students who achieved Level 4Students who achieved Level 5
Statewide 19.5 17.7 32.4 1.4

Percent and Number of Students Taking Career Readiness Test and Earning an Employability Credential

  Total number of students who tested on all three subtests Students who did NOT earn a credential Students who DID earn a credential Students who achieved Level 2 Students who achieved Level 3 Students who achieved Level 4 Students who achieved Level 5
N % N % N % N % N % N % N
Our District 261 33.0% 86 67.0% 175 26.1% 68 18.4% 48 20.7% 54 1.9% 5
Statewide 60402 28.9% 17431 71.1% 42971 19.5% 11792 17.7% 10713 32.4% 19592 1.4% 874

Level score requirements for each Credential level

Credential Level Credential levels correspond to the skill requirements of profiled job zones in the O*NET job career pathways
Achievement Level 5 Indicates that the student has the foundational skills to pursue O*NET Job Zone Level 5 career pathways. Includes 100% of O*NET Job Zones.
Achievement Level 4 Indicates that the student has the foundational skills to pursue O*NET Job Zone Level 4 career pathways. Includes 83% of O*NET Job Zones.
Achievement Level 3 Indicates that the student has the foundational skills to pursue O*NET Job Zone Level 3 career pathways. Includes 59% of O*NET Job Zones.
Achievement Level 2 Indicates that the student has the foundational skills to pursue O*NET Job Zone Level 2 career pathways. Includes 35% of O*NET Job Zones.
*The four domains of the Career Readiness Test are: Math, Reading, Data, and Soft Skills.

Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate ®(IB)

Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) are rigorous programs dedicated to educational excellence. AP and IB courses provide a challenging educational program that prepares students for selective universities and colleges. AP exams are scored on a scale of 1-5; IB exams are scored on a scale of 1-7.

Advanced Placement (AP) International Baccalaureate ®(IB)
Percent of Exams with Passing Scores (AP: 3 OR higher/IB: 4 or higher) 63.3% Data N/A
Number of Students Taking Exam 103 Data N/A
Number of Exams Administered 128 Data N/A

Dual Enrollment

This measure provides the percentage of students (11th and 12th grade students) enrolled in dual credit / dual enrollment classes during the school year who obtain a grade that provides college credit (grade of C or better).

Number of students enrolled in Dual Enrollment Courses 117
Percent of students enrolled in Dual Enrollment Courses 35.7%
Percent of 11th/12th grade students who completed six hours of dual enrollment course work with a grade of C or higher 26.2%


The SAT is a standardized test often used in the college admissions process. Its' aim is to assess the student's readiness for college. The current test consists of two 800 point sections testing Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW) and Mathematics. The highest composite score on the SAT is 1600. Most students take the test, which is offered several times per year, during their junior or senior year of high school. The district and state averages are included for comparison. State averages for SAT data are based on regular public schools and do not include private schools in the state.

Percent of Students Tested Average Evidence-Based
Reading and Writing Score
Average Math
Average Composite
Our District 52.3 473 449 922
Statewide 48.2 523 498 1020
The highest composite score on the SAT is 1600. For each of the two sections of the test, the highest score is 800.

Note: The new SAT data (as of 2017) cannot be compared to that of previous years because the redesigned SAT is a different assessment using a different scale.

Nation's Report Card : NAEP

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is designed to measure what students across the nation know and can do in 10 subjects areas, including mathematics, reading, science, writing, the arts, civics, economics, geography and U.S. History. The main NAEP tests selected samples of the students population in grades 4, 8 and 12. Long-term trend assessments are given to samples of students ages 9, 13 and 17.

Additional South Carolina NAEP data are available here: Nation's Report Card


Reading Grade 4 by Achievement Levels

All Students Percent Below
NAEP Basic
Percent at or
Above NAEP Basic
Percent at or Above
NAEP Proficient
Percent at
NAEP Advanced
Hispanic 3
Two or More Races 35 65 33 7
Students with Disabilities 75 25 11 1
English Language Learners 64 36 12 2
White 14
Black 56 44 15 2
Hispanic 55 45 17
All Students 39 61 32 9
White 25 75 46

Reading Grade 4 Inclusion Rates for Specific Subgroups

Percent Include
Students with Disabilities 92
English Language Learners 95

Mathematics Grade 4 by Achievement Levels

All Students Percent Below
NAEP Basic
Percent at or
Above NAEP Basic
Percent at or Above
NAEP Proficient
Percent at
NAEP Advanced
Black 43 57 14 1
Hispanic 32 68 24 3
All Students 74
Free or reduced lunch eligible 21
All Students 34
Free or reduced lunch eligible 2
All Students 6
White 13 87 49 10
English Language Learners 37 63 19 1
Free or reduced lunch eligible 35 65
Two or More Races 33 67 27 3
Students with Disabilities 61 39 11 2
All Students 26

Mathematics Grade 4 Inclusion Rates for Specific Subgroups

Percent Include
Students with Disabilities 95
English Language Learners 95

Reading Grade 8 by Achievement Levels

All Students Percent Below
NAEP Basic
Percent at or
Above NAEP Basic
Percent at or Above
NAEP Proficient
Percent at
NAEP Advanced
Hispanic 54 18 1
Two or More Races 41 59 21 1
Students with Disabilities 80 20 3 0
English Language Learners 67
White 75
English Language Learners 33
White 37
English Language Learners 3
White 4
English Language Learners 0
Black 52 48 13 1
Hispanic 46
All Students 37 63 27 2
White 25

Reading Grade 8 Inclusion Rates for Specific Subgroups

Percent Include
Students with Disabilities 94
English Language Learners 90

Mathematics Grade 8 by Achievement Levels

All Students Percent Below
NAEP Basic
Percent at or
Above NAEP Basic
Percent at or Above
NAEP Proficient
Percent at
NAEP Advanced
Hispanic 18 3
Two or More Races 39 61 24 5
Students with Disabilities 83
White 32
Students with Disabilities 17 4
White 8
Students with Disabilities 1
English Language Learners 75
Black 65
English Language Learners 25 4
Black 35
English Language Learners 0
Black 7
All Students 44 56
Black 1
All Students 22 5
Hispanic 49
White 29 71
Hispanic 51

Mathematics Grade 8 Inclusion Rates for Specific Subgroups

Percent Include
Students with Disabilities 92
English Language Learners 91

State Goals

Federal law requires that each state report card include long-term goals and measurements of interim progress for all students and defined subgroups of students. This section reports the long-term goals and performance of all students statewide. Information on subgroup performance may be found in the "Download Data" section on the main page.

Baseline Targets Current Year
State Goals 2017 2020 2026 2035 2023
Percent scoring level 2 or above - English/ELA - All Students 74.2% 79.5% 82.1% 90.0% 79.6%
Percent scoring level 2 or above - Math - All Students 75.8% 79.5% 82.1% 90.0% 68.2%
Percent scoring level 3 or above - English/ELA - All Students 43.2% 47.7% 56.6% 70.0% 58%
Percent scoring level 3 or above - Math - All Students 46.0% 50.0% 58.0% 70.0% 41.8%
Percent of Students Graduating On-Time* (All Students) 82.6% 83.8% 86.3% 90.0% 83.8%
Percent of EL Students meeting 70% proficiency target 31.0% 37.4% 50.2% 70.0% 53.3%
*On-time graduation means graduation within four years of the initial enrollment in High School.

State Goals Defined As:

90% of Students at Level 2 or higher on following state assessments

70% of Students at Level 3 or higher on following state assessments

Level Elementary/Middle Schools English language arts
(ELA) and Math Based on SC READY Results
High School End-of-Course Assessment
in English language arts (English 1)
and Math (Algbra 1)
Does Not Meet Expectations F Emerging
2 Approaches Expectations D Foundational
3 Meets Expectations C Increasing
Exceeds Expectations B Applied
*SC ALT - is an alternate assessment that is developed to meet the needs of students with significant disabilities who cannot particiapte in the regular assessment even with appropriate accommodations.

Student Engagement

Additional Information

Our District Change from Last Year
Percent of Students (7th and 8th grade) enrolled in high school credit courses 35.4 Up from 15.8
Percent of students served by gifted and talented program 16.2 Up from 13.1
Percent of students retained 1.2 Down from 3.2
Principal's/Superintendent's/Director's years at school/district 14 Up from 13
Chronic Absenteeism Rate (Note: Data are from prior school year) 31.2 Up from 26.7
Percent of 8th Graders with Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) 100.0 Up from 99.5

Results of Teacher, Student, and Parent Opinion Surveys

Teachers Students Parents
Number of surveys returned 197 1839 345
Percent satisfied with learning environment 94.3%
Percent satisfied with social and physical environment 95.9%
Percent satisfied with school-home relations 96.4%

Classroom Environment

Our District Change from Last Year
Total Number of Teachers 192 Down from 193
Percent of K-3 teachers who are certified in Read to Succeed reading certification N/AV N/A
Percent of teachers with advanced degrees 63.5 Up from 62.6
Teacher attendance rate 96.1 Up from 94.5
Average teacher salary $55,296 Up from $53,240
Percent of teachers on continuing contract 96.9 Up from 96.4
Percent of teachers returning from previous year - current year 87.1 No change
Percent of teachers returning from previous year - three year average 88.8 Up from 87.9
Percent of teacher vacancies for more than 9 weeks 0.5 Down from 1.6
Prime instructional time 88.1 Up from 85.9
Student-teacher ratio in core subjects 21.9 to 1 Up from 21.4 to 1
Percent of inexperienced teachers teaching in low poverty schools N/A N/A
Number of inexperienced teachers teaching in low poverty schools N/A N/A
Percent of inexperienced school leaders teaching in low poverty schools N/A N/A
Number of inexperienced school leaders teaching in low poverty schools N/A N/A
Percent of out-of-field teachers teaching in low poverty schools N/A N/A
Number of out-of-field teachers teaching in low poverty schools N/A N/A
Percent of inexperienced teachers teaching in high poverty schools 9.1 Down from 22.4
Number of inexperienced teachers teaching in high poverty schools 2 Down from 13
Percent of inexperienced school leaders teaching in high poverty schools N/A N/A
Number of inexperienced school leaders teaching in high poverty schools N/A N/A
Percent of out-of-field teachers teaching in high poverty schools 9.1 Up from 3.4
Number of out-of-field teachers teaching in high poverty schools 2 No change
Percent of inexperienced teachers 21.5 Down from 26.1
Number of inexperienced teachers 42 Down from 53
Percent of out-of-field teachers 13.8 Up from 12.3
Number of out-of-field teachers 27 Up from 25
Inexperienced Teacher- a teacher with less than 4 years of experience.
Inexperienced School Leader- a School Administrator that has not completed their formal evaluation process (Tier 1)
Out of Field Teacher- a teacher teaching a course or courses outside their field of certification when a certification is required for that course.

ESSA regulations require states to post on their report cards information about teachers with emergency or provisional credentials. South Carolina does not award emergency or provisional credentials, thus that metric is not listed.

Student Safety

Evaluations By Parents Percent Agree/Strongly Agree Total Responses
“My child feels safe at school.” 98.8 345
“My child’s teachers and school staff prevent or stop bullying at school.” 93 345
Evaluations By Teachers Percent Agree/Strongly Agree Total Responses
“I feel safe at my school before and after hours.” 99 197
“The rules for behavior are enforced at my school.” 94.9 197

Unsafe Incident Information as reported in the 2022-2023 Incident Management System (IMS)

Number of Incidents
Have there been any incidents involving a firearm? 0 No
Was a homicide committed at your school? 0 No
Incidents of rape or attempted rape 0 0
Incidents of sexual assault (not rape) 0 0
Incidents of robbery w/ weapon 0 0
Incidents of robbery w/ firearm or explosive 0 0
Incidents of robbery w/out weapon 0 0
Incidents of physical attack w/ weapon 0 0
Incidents of physical attack w/ firearm or explosive 0 0
Incidents of physical attack w/out weapon 0 0
Incidents of threats of physical attack w/ weapon 0 0
Incidents of threats of physical attack w/ firearm or explosive 0 0
Incidents of threats of physical attack w/out weapon 0 0
Incidents of possession of firearm or explosive 0 0
Students with in-school suspensions 501 501
Students with out of school suspensions 501 501
Students expelled 18 18
School related arrests and referrals to law enforcement 0 0
Incidents of bullying and harassment 15 15
NOTE: For additional information, visit the National Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) website here:

Financial Data

District level Financial Information

Our District Change from Prev Year
Average teacher salary $55,296 Up from $53,240
Percent of expenditures for instruction 52.0 Down from 52.6
Percent of expenditures for teacher salaries 42.9 Up from 42.4
Average administrator salary $94,516 Up from $91,683
Percent of students in poverty (TANF, Medicaid, SNAP, foster child, homeless or migrant) 80.4 Up from 79.4
Prior fiscal year State & Local Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure $8,908 Up from 8885
Prior fiscal year Federal Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure $1,503 Up from 971
Prior fiscal year State & Local Non-Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure $1,626 Down from 1634
Prior fiscal year Federal Non-Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure $1,940 Up from 1659
Prior fiscal year Total State & Local Per Pupil Expenditure $10,534 Up from 10520
Prior fiscal year Total Federal Per Pupil Expenditure $3,443 Up from 2631
Prior fiscal year Total Per Pupil Expenditure $13,977 Up from 13150