State Goals

Lancaster High School

Note on missing data: On March 26, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education waived federal accountability requirements and granted flexibility in administering assessments due to COVID-19. The results displayed within this report card should not be compared to those of other years due to the testing limitations as a result of the pandemic. In addition, these results may be incomplete and may not be representative of the make-up of the State, district, or school population.

State Goals

Federal law requires that each state report card include long-term goals and measurements of interim progress for all students and defined subgroups of students. This section reports the long-term goals and performance of all students statewide. Information on subgroup performance may be found in the "Download Data" section on the main page.

Baseline Targets Current Year
State Goals 2017 2020 2026 2035 2021
Percent scoring level 2 or above - English/ELA - All Students 74.2% 79.5% 82.1% 90.0% Data N/A
Percent scoring level 2 or above - Math - All Students 75.8% 79.5% 82.1% 90.0% Data N/A
Percent scoring level 3 or above - English/ELA - All Students 43.2% 47.7% 56.6% 70.0% Data N/A
Percent scoring level 3 or above - Math - All Students 46.0% 50.0% 58.0% 70.0% Data N/A
Percent of Students Graduating On-Time* (All Students) 82.6% 83.8% 86.3% 90.0% Data N/A
Percent of EL Students meeting 70% proficiency target 31.0% 37.4% 50.2% 70.0% Data N/A
*On-time graduation means graduation within four years of the initial enrollment in High School.

State Goals Defined As:

90% of Students at Level 2 or higher on following state assessments

70% of Students at Level 3 or higher on following state assessments

Level Elementary/Middle Schools English language arts
(ELA) and Math Based on SC READY Results
High School End-of-Course Assessment
in English language arts (English 1)
and Math (Algbra 1)
Does Not Meet Expectations F Emerging
2 Approaches Expectations D Foundational
3 Meets Expectations C Increasing
Exceeds Expectations B Applied
*SC ALT - is an alternate assessment that is developed to meet the needs of students with significant disabilities who cannot particiapte in the regular assessment even with appropriate accommodations.