School Improvement
District of Richland County School District 1
School Improvement
You can view a complete list of School Improvement Grant (SIG) funding amounts.
You can view more information on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan.
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) List
Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) List
Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) List
Comprehensive Support and Improvement( CSI )
Richland County School District 1
- C. A. Johnson High School
- Hyatt Park Elementary School
No schools have been identified for priority.
Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI)
Richland County School District 1
- A.C. Flora High School
- Alcorn Middle School
- Annie Burnside Elementary
- Bradley Elementary School
- Burton-Pack Elementary
- H.B. Rhame Elementary School
- Hopkins Elementary School
- Horrell Hill Elementary School
- John P. Thomas Elementary School
- Logan Elementary School
Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI)
Richland County School District 1
- Crayton Middle School
- Hopkins Middle School
- Lower Richland High School
- Meadowfield Elementary School
- St. Andrews Middle School
- W.A. Perry Middle School
Exit Criteria for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Schools:
A final summative score on weighted point index that is above the bottom five percent of Title I schools in the most recent subsequent identification year after initial identification AND the percent of the identified students who meet or exceed grade level standards in English language arts or mathematics increased over the percentage observed for the school in the original year of identification. ; or
The identified subgroup(s) performance moves above the performance of ALL students in the highest performing Title I CSI school in the most recent subsequent identification year after initial identification AND the percent of the identified subgroup(s) who meet or exceed grade level standards in English language arts or mathematics increased over the percentage observed for that subgroup in the original year of identification. ;
A graduation rate that is 70 percent or higher;
Priority Exit Criteria
To exit Priority status, a school must no longer be ranked in the bottom 10% of schools.
Exit Criteria for Schools Receiving Additional Targeted Support
Elementary and Middle Schools may exit from additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) by meeting the following criteria:
The identified subgroup(s) performance moves above the performance of ALL students in the highest performing Title I CSI school in the most recent identification year after initial identification (in 2024 WE USE 2022) AND the percent of the identified subgroup(s) who meet or exceed grade level standards in English language arts or mathematics increased over the percentage observed for that subgroup in the original year of identification (make sure you compare to the year they were originally identified-- 2018).
High Schools may exit from additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) by meeting the following criteria:
The identified subgroup(s)’ performance moves above the ALL students’ performance in the bottom five percent of Title I schools in the most recent identification year after the initial identification AND the percent of the identified subgroup(s) who meet or exceed expectations in English 2 or Algebra 1 increased over the percentage observed for that subgroup in the original year of identification
TSI Exit Criteria.
ESSA does not require exit criteria to be set for TSI schools. Instead, it allows districts to set the exit criteria for TSI schools and suggests that the criteria for support and improvement be informed by all indicators of the accountability system, including student performance against the state's long term goals.