Preparing for Success

District of SC Djj Schools

Preparing for Success

Questions about what your child should be learning in school?

This indicator displays the SC READY Science test results for elementary and middle school students and the End-of-Course Biology and U.S. History test results for high school students.

Overall Student Performance

SCPASS Science

Science - Percent Met or Exceeding

State 46%    (51887 / 112768)

End-of-Course Assessment Results in Biology and US History and the Constitution

Biology - Scoring C or Higher

District 1.3%    (6 / 475)
State 47%    (18371 / 39120)

US History and the Constitution - Scoring C or Higher

NOTE: EOCEP scores in US History and the Constitution, and the corresponding SC ALT assessment in Social Studies, have been excluded from the Preparing for Success indicator rating for High Schools for the 2021-22 school year.
District %
State 37.8%    (20635 / 54594)

First and Second Grade Students on Track for Success in ELA and Math

  Our DistrictStatewide
  % N % N
Second grade students who are on track for success in English Language Arts at the third grade. Data N/A Data N/A 51.9% 49894
Second grade students who are on track for success in Mathematics at the third grade. Data N/A Data N/A 54.7% 49894
First grade students who are on track for success in English Language Arts at the second grade Data N/A Data N/A 53.2% 49892
First grade students who are on track for success in Mathematics at the second grade Data N/A Data N/A 58.8% 49892