College and Career Readiness

Rock Hill High School

College and Career Readiness

Students in the graduation cohort who are college OR career ready

School 50.2%    (234 / 466)
District 51.7%    (644 / 1245)
State 64.7%    (38515 / 59488)

Students in the graduation cohort who are college AND career ready

School 26.0%    (121 / 466)
District 26.5%    (330 / 1245)
State 29.4%    (17461 / 59488)

Students in the graduation cohort who are college ready

School 27.9%    (130 / 466)
District 28.1%    (350 / 1245)
State 32.6%    (19421 / 59488)

Students in the graduation cohort who are career ready

School 48.3%    (225 / 466)
District 50.1%    (624 / 1245)
State 61.4%    (36555 / 59488)

Note: The new CCR results (as of 2020) cannot be compared to that of previous years because the cohort of students measured has changed from graduates to all students in the four year on-time graduation cohort (graduates and non graduates).

Additional Information

Our School Change from Last Year
College Enrollment: Percentage of graduates from the prior year’s four-year graduation cohort who were enrolled in an in-state or out-of-state two- or four-year college in the Fall immediately following their on-time graduation year. 59.4 Down from 65.8
Number of students in the graduation cohort who have completed FAFSA forms 190 Down from 227
Percent of students in the graduation cohort completing college applications 27.0 Up from 26.1
Percent of students in the graduation cohort eligible for LIFE scholarship 41.0 Down from 45.5
Percent of students in the graduation cohort eligible for Palmetto Fellows scholarship 4.1 Down from 4.5

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Students enrolled in CTE courses 1251
CTE completers 162
Total students earning national or state credential 427
Industry Credentials earned by Career Cluster
(A student may have earned multiple credentials)
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 5
Architecture & Construction 19
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications 0
Business Management & Administration 95
Education & Training 5
Finance 23
Government & Public Administration 0
Health Science 142
Hospitality & Tourism 80
Human Services 26
Information Technology 0
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security 0
Manufacturing 0
Marketing 0
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics 0
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics 259
Other * 161