Career Readiness Assessments

Irmo High School International School For The Arts

Assessment Results

Career Readiness Assessments

The South Carolina Career Ready Test* is a career readiness assessment administered to all eleventh-grade students to measure the most common skills that employers define as foundational for career readiness.

Percent of students earning an Employability Credential by scoring an Achievement Level of 2 through 5 on the employability skills assessments (Math/Reading/Data)

Students who achieved Level 2Students who achieved Level 3Students who achieved Level 4Students who achieved Level 5
Our District 18.3 17.9 43 2.4
Students who achieved Level 2Students who achieved Level 3Students who achieved Level 4Students who achieved Level 5
Our School 22.4 18 22.4 0.6
Students who achieved Level 2Students who achieved Level 3Students who achieved Level 4Students who achieved Level 5
Statewide 19.5 17.7 32.4 1.4

Percent and Number of Students Taking Career Readiness Test and Earning an Employability Credential

  Total number of students who tested on all three subtests Students who did NOT earn a credential Students who DID earn a credential Students who achieved Level 2 Students who achieved Level 3 Students who achieved Level 4 Students who achieved Level 5
N % N % N % N % N % N % N
Our School 361 36.6% 132 63.4% 229 22.4% 81 18.0% 65 22.4% 81 0.6% 2
Our District 1522 18.5% 282 81.5% 1240 18.3% 278 17.9% 272 43.0% 654 2.4% 36
Statewide 60402 28.9% 17431 71.1% 42971 19.5% 11792 17.7% 10713 32.4% 19592 1.4% 874

Level score requirements for each Credential level

Credential Level Credential levels correspond to the skill requirements of profiled job zones in the O*NET job career pathways
Achievement Level 5 Indicates that the student has the foundational skills to pursue O*NET Job Zone Level 5 career pathways. Includes 100% of O*NET Job Zones.
Achievement Level 4 Indicates that the student has the foundational skills to pursue O*NET Job Zone Level 4 career pathways. Includes 83% of O*NET Job Zones.
Achievement Level 3 Indicates that the student has the foundational skills to pursue O*NET Job Zone Level 3 career pathways. Includes 59% of O*NET Job Zones.
Achievement Level 2 Indicates that the student has the foundational skills to pursue O*NET Job Zone Level 2 career pathways. Includes 35% of O*NET Job Zones.
*The four domains of the Career Readiness Test are: Math, Reading, Data, and Soft Skills.