Midway Elementary School is helping all students to develop the World-Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by fostering a safe and nurturing environment for the development of each student through inquiry-based learning and the workshop model. Social and Emotional Learning, physical activity, and Power Skills were utilized to meet the needs of the whole child.
The professional learning through the Joyful Teacher and was extremely meaningful as it facilitated the focus on providing individual goals for Reading, Writing and Math. Teachers were provided training on goal setting and high quality academic feedback.
In order to meet the needs of all students, the workshop model played a greater role in personalizing learning and meeting each student on his or her level. Teachers utilized the workshop model in ELA and Math. This allowed for small group instruction as well as individual conferring opportunities as teachers used student performance data to guide instruction.
Enrichment and school programs continued to bring relevant learning that will extend beyond the classroom through our Partial French Immersion program, Spanish class, and STEM focused Computer Science. We strive to make all students bi-lingual whether through a written or digital language.
Morning Meetings continued to be extremely important as we sought to meet the needs of the whole child. Teachers utilized lessons and resources to support students and their emotional and social needs. Power Skills were the common language used to grow citizenship. Counselors sponsored small group and individual lessons to meet identified needs of students. Our school counselors also worked with students in their recognition of their emotional states and how to better deal with these feelings.
This school year a greater focus was placed on community service projects this year as we modeled reaching out to serve others. The year began with a school project with an expansion of our kindness rock garden in which each student designed and painted his or her individual rock to add to the garden. We continued with having all students participate in creating a Mustang Mural around our Power Skill. Then the focus was expanded beyond our school as we grew our kindness. Students gathered items to support Epworth Children’s Home (a local orphanage). In addition our students provided a gathering of supplies to support PAALS in training service dogs.
Our School Counselors and community members worked with our gracious PTO and the school administrators in providing morale boosters for our staff. Games, treats, food trucks and more, were devised to increase interaction for staff and to provide support. Local churches and businesses reached out to provide support and treats to our faculty and staff.
As physical movement impacts emotional health, we continued providing a second recess for all students in our schedule. Teachers continued to include additional movement in the classroom through the use of programs such as GoNoodle.com and instructional strategies.
While this school year continued to bring many challenges it also brought celebrations! Our MES family including our students, staff, parents, and community, pulled together in supporting each other. Together, we are “Making a difference for every student!”
Timothy Carnahan, Principal
Kristy Chernick, SIC Chair