Ridgeland- Hardeeville High School is helping all students to develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a safe, positive and accessible learning environment to promote success for all students. Our motto is: "We are Preparing Today's Learners to be Tomorrow's Leaders exemplifying College and Career Ready Citizens." The administration, faculty and staff members at Ridgeland- Hardeeville High School are enthusiastic, conscientious and determined to help our students enhance their ability to succeed in a globally competitive world.Our school mission is to provide a safe, positive, and accessible learning environment for the success of all students.
We are diligently working to obtain our academic goals by our continued utilization of the following initiatives: dual credit courses with nearby colleges, content level parent nights through the School Improvement Council and Parent Teacher Organization, credit recovery lab, ACT/SAT tutorials, and EOC tutorial sessions during the school day. Our teachers have undergone rigorous training in Kagan Strategies and incorporate these strategies as part of daily lesson plans. Additionally, we continue to offer AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) electives to assist in preparation for college and career entry. Our students continue to tour colleges and universities in South Carolina, virtually and in person. Throughout the school year, college and military representatives visit the school on a regular basis to recruit our students. Local employers come to the school to recruit students for employment opportunities while they are still in school.
This year, we have been recognized as Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Point of Light school and will continue to strive for the Beacon distinction honor in this process. Two years ago, we successfully opened a new Career and Technical Education Facility with 10 career pathways to better prepare our students to become career ready. We have implemented a collaboration with more universities in South Carolina and our students have been afforded the opportunity to participate in residential college programs to become aware of the college experience and others to earn six college credits as they return to high school to further become college ready.
To increase staff and student morale, we celebrate staff members by recognizing teachers, rookie teachers and classified staff members each month. We continue to provide award programs and share incentives for our students while recognizing their outstanding accomplishments. We ensure that we provide opportunities for our student to improve and become well-rounded. As we continue to grow professionally, our staff continue to participate in several professional developments, including SCASA Innovative Ideas Institute conference, AVID Summer Institute, Math and English Rigorous Curriculum Design, Literacy Workshops, High Schools that Work conference, and Kagan training. These focused efforts are used to support the success of our students, which made progress towards closing the achievement gap.
Our students have worked hard to improve their academic performance and we are proud of their efforts. Their accomplishments includes: approximately $5.7 million in scholarships offers for the class of 2022, an increase in the graduation rate, an increase in college and/or career ready students and an increase in overall student performance on the ACT and WIN.
Ridgeland- Hardeeville High School represents a stepping stone of the many instructional gateways our students will surpass towards their college or career aspirations. We recognize the students’ diverse abilities, interests, and talents. By continuing to work with stakeholders at all levels, we will continue to use best practices to ensure that we hold true to our district's mantra: Student-centered and Future-focused!