Our school, Hilton Head Island Early Childhood Center (HHIECC) is helping all students develop world class skills and knowledge, as well as the life and career characteristics of the Profile of the Graduate. HHIECC accomplishes this by creating an environment that promotes curiosity, exploration, and self-expression. Children are encouraged to become actively engaged in their own learning. We have a remarkable staff of collegial professionals that believe all children can achieve success academically and socially/emotionally. The total number of students attending HHIECC for the 2023- 2024 school year was 336 students. The school had 205 Kindergarten students, 128 PK4 students, and 3 PK3 students. HHIECC is proud to be a Title 1 school. Over 54% of our students come from homes where English is not the primary spoken language. Our Pre-Kindergarten classrooms are comprised of students who qualify for our program through the ChildFind process. Our teachers utilize Best Practice strategies, as they differentiate instruction with individual students, small groups, and whole group lessons to meet students’ needs.
HHIECC has a history of academic progress and achievement. In Spring 2023, over 77% of our students in reading and 74 % in math left our school at or above norm grade level mean on the nationally normed Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment. For the 2023-2024 school year Beaufort County Schools are utilizing iReady reading and math assessment for Kindergarten. Our students are assessed three times a year. The last assessment is scheduled for the end of May. We are looking forward to seeing the growth of our students.
Interventions are a key to the success of many struggling students. ESOL, Literacy, and Title I tutors support the learning in a small group setting. Progress, or lack of, is documented and monitored through our Response to Intervention (RTI) Process. Students with Individual Educational Plans (I.E.P.) work towards goals outlined in their plan and are reviewed at least annually.
HHIECC is technologically rich, with students and teachers having access to Interactive White Boards, laptops, and iPads to supplement instruction. Our students have access to many online instructional tools at school and at home to support learning.
Related Arts options for our Kindergarten students include Explorations (Science and Social Studies based), Media/Technology, Physical Education and Music. Art class is done in a small class setting, in an art studio located between every two classrooms.
Our teachers communicate with parents regularly by phone, newsletters, communication apps such as Remind, and through Facebook. Teachers regularly provide parents with school happenings and updates. Some of our evening events included Family Math Night, Hands-on Literacy night, Parents as Partners, ESOL nights and “What’s Special about Specials?”
We are proud of our implementation of our award-winning Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) program. We continue to support students doing their B.E.S.T.: Be kind, demonstrate Effort, show Self-control, and build Teamwork each day. Students receive “Gotcha” cards when they are caught demonstrating appropriate behaviors. We host assemblies to recognize students who are meeting or exceeding expectations.
Hilton Head Island Early Childhood Center is a place where students are provided a foundation of skills to be successful in school and develop a love of learning!
Laura Ceicl: SIC Chair
Kim Bratt: Principal