The faculty, staff, students and families of Seven Oaks Elementary School are committed to creating a safe and nurturing educational environment that fosters a love of learning, celebrates diversity and promotes engagement in rigorous academics. Our vision is to grow all students academically, socially and emotionally. By focusing on the school’s mission and vision, we are helping all students develop the world class skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.
Collaboration and Teamwork
Collaboration and teamwork are major components of the Seven Oaks experience. Our staff strives to meet the needs of each student and help them grow both academically and socially. Teachers regularly meet as teams and with our highly trained Instructional Leadership team to discuss grade level standards and plan effective lessons. Grade level teachers and Reading, Math and Special Education service providers meet at least quarterly to discuss each student and make sure they have access to the resources they need to experience success. In class and around the school, students are also encouraged to work with and support each other to foster a warm and successful school climate.
Field Experiences and Community Events
At Seven Oaks, we believe that students need to experience the joy of learning in a variety of ways and have experience to make connections between the South Carolina State Standards and the world around them. Whether it is visiting the zoo down the road, going to a pumpkin or strawberry patch, watching the stories they read in class come to life at the Marionette theater or Koger Center, students at Seven Oaks get to experience wonderful learning experiences outside of the school campus. Inside the school, a variety of experiences outside of their classrooms. Highlights included:
Related Arts teachers organized during and after school events that help the students connect Math, ELA and Science standards to music, PE, Spanish and Art.
A Math and Reading event after school in which students and families came and played games that can be used in-school and at home to reinforce learning.
During school opportunities for parents, grandparents and other family members to come in to read with students and play math games during the school day.
Learning Celebrations at the end of each semester that highlighted the remarkable academic and behavioral achievements of our students
Global Mindset and Learning
Our Title 1 school continues to meet the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of our students on a daily basis. SOEGM focuses on developing students who can be successful in the global society. Cultural diversity is appreciated, respected, and celebrated. Seven Oaks students, faculty and staff represent more than 26 different countries.
Through our Global Magnet, faculty, staff and students will be encouraged to think about how they fit within the broader community. We will contemplate where we fit in our neighborhoods, the greater Columbia area, our State, the nation and the world as a whole. We will take an inquiry-based approach to learning that organizes The South Carolina State Standards into thematic units that encourage students to make interdisciplinary connections and prepare them for success in the Global workforce.
Seven Oaks Elementary Global Magnet strives to develop our students as responsible and active members of their communities.
W. Christian English, Principal
Lakeema Maybank, SIC Chairperson