Ridge Spring-Monetta Elementary School is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing challenging, standards-based instruction in a safe and caring learning environment. We demonstrate our vision and mission by engaging our staff in continuous professional development and providing our students with authentic experiences and explicit instruction. We instill good character and appreciation for diversity through guidance lessons with social emotional learning. Our state-of-the-art K-12 facility brings much pride to the Ridge Spring-Monetta community. Each student is issued a laptop computer and all areas of the school are internet accessible. Through quality core instruction, literacy and math intervention, and software programs, we are preparing our students to compete and to become independent in their problem solving.
Student learning and success drives our programs and our path forward. We have a multi-tiered system of support in place to ensure that all students grow and accelerate. Federal funding assists to provide math and literacy intervention, professional development for teachers, positive behavior incentives, classroom resources, as well as materials to increase home/school communication and parent involvement. We provide opportunities for students and families to participate in family events during and after school, such as Literacy Night, Breakfast with Moms and Dads, musicals, awards ceremonies, parent conferences and Grandparents' Breakfast. The student led news show is projected daily in classrooms and our school newsletter is sent home with students and posted on our school website bi-weekly.
At Ridge Spring-Monetta Elementary School, we recognize that education is a team effort. Our dedicated PTO (Parent Teacher Organization), SIC (School Improvement Council), YDT (Youth Development Team) and faith-based and business partnerships support us in community involvement activities and in providing school supplies, Trojan Store incentives and family support. Our School Improvement Council involves parents, community members, and teachers in the planning, monitoring, and evaluating of our school program to ensure continuous improvement. We appreciate all stakeholders and the contributions made in the development of our future South Carolina graduates and leaders.
Callie Herlong, Principal
Denise McCurry, Chair