School Report Card Narrative
Hemingway High School perseveres by facilitating all students as they develop life skills and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a world-class education and a skill set for life which will give them the opportunity for success, regardless of the path students choose for their future. In partnership with all community and business stakeholders, our students graduate as lifelong learners who will make valuable contributions to society. Through the collaboration of school, home, and community, every graduate will be prepared for the demands of the future and global society.
The 2019 School Motto: “Achieving Excellence…Together!” is embodied by all teachers, instructional faculty, and staff members as we collectively strive to stay abreast of current research-based trends and best practices through various professional development opportunities. By implementing research-based best practices, establishing high expectations, and engaging every student, the optimal benefits of world-class education is actualized. Professionally, teachers dedicate themselves to professional development with the goal of improving instruction and increasing student learning. We have incorporated student led clubs and organizations, APEX Learning, and reinforced after school tutoring. which includes both parties analyzing trend data.
Finally, Hemingway High School offers students the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of athletic programs founded on a legacy of excellence. It is important for all stakeholders to be active in educating productive citizens of the 21st Century. In keeping with the ideals and practices of quality leadership, all students participate in The Leader In Me Character Education Program from The Covey Foundation.
At Hemingway High School, the responsibility is for all stakeholders to take an active role in the education of students for success in the year of accountability because…
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work!
Dr. Tara L. Richardson, Interim Principal
Mrs. LaTonya W. Parker, SIC Chair