Student Safety

West Ashley High School

Student Safety

Evaluations By Parents Percent Agree/Strongly Agree Total Responses
“My child feels safe at school.” 92.7 176
“My child’s teachers and school staff prevent or stop bullying at school.” 82.3 176
Evaluations By Teachers Percent Agree/Strongly Agree Total Responses
“I feel safe at my school before and after hours.” 96.2 105
“The rules for behavior are enforced at my school.” 76.0 105

Unsafe Incident Information as reported in the 2022-2023 Incident Management System (IMS)

Number of Incidents
Have there been any incidents involving a firearm? 1 Yes
Was a homicide committed at your school? 0 No
Incidents of rape or attempted rape 0 0
Incidents of sexual assault (not rape) 0 0
Incidents of robbery w/ weapon 0 0
Incidents of robbery w/ firearm or explosive 0 0
Incidents of robbery w/out weapon 2 2
Incidents of physical attack w/ weapon 0 0
Incidents of physical attack w/ firearm or explosive 0 0
Incidents of physical attack w/out weapon 12 12
Incidents of threats of physical attack w/ weapon 0 0
Incidents of threats of physical attack w/ firearm or explosive 0 0
Incidents of threats of physical attack w/out weapon 17 17
Incidents of possession of firearm or explosive 2 2
Students with in-school suspensions 392 392
Students with out of school suspensions 349 349
Students expelled 4 4
School related arrests and referrals to law enforcement 162 162
Incidents of bullying and harassment 60 60
NOTE: For additional information, visit the National Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) website here: