Chronic Absenteeism

Ebenezer Middle School

Chronic Absenteeism (Note: Data are from prior school year)

Percentage of Students at the School or District who are Chronically Absent

Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
Homeless 100 66 48.8
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
Foster 33.3 38.8 37.2
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
Military Connected 27.8 19.6 19
Migrant 27.3
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
Female 38 38.4 24.6
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
Male 33.3 38.4 24.9
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
NonEconomically Disadvantaged 23.7 22.3 14.4
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
Economically Disadvantaged 39.3 43.5 31
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
Disabled 44.2 41.9 30.7
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
English Learner 23.1 34.5 23.7
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
Caucasian 33.3 34.4 21.6
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
Hispanic 40.9 35.2 25.7
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
American Indian 0 34.8 31
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
Asian Pacific Islander 14.3 16.3 12.3
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
African American 36.3 40.9 29.3
Our SchoolOur DistrictStatewide
ALL STUDENTS 35.7 38.4 24.8