School Quality

New Heights Middle School

Note on missing data: On March 26, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education waived federal accountability requirements and granted flexibility in administering assessments due to COVID-19. The results displayed within this report card should not be compared to those of other years due to the testing limitations as a result of the pandemic. In addition, these results may be incomplete and may not be representative of the make-up of the State, district, or school population.

Student Engagement

Additional Information

Our School Change from Last Year
Percent of Students (7th and 8th grade) enrolled in high school credit courses 11.5 Up from 6.6
Percent of students served by gifted and talented program 24.6 Down from 25.7
Percent of students retained 0.0 No change
Principal's/Superintendent's/Director's years at school/district 2 Up from 1
Percent of classrooms with wireless access 100 No change
Percent of students served by 1:1 learning 25 Up from 0
Chronic Absenteeism Rate (Note: Data are from prior school year) 18.6 Down from 28.7
Percent of 8th Graders with Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) 100.0 No change

Results of Teacher, Student, and Parent Opinion Surveys

Teachers Students Parents
Number of surveys returned 28 105 9
Percent satisfied with learning environment 53.6%
Percent satisfied with social and physical environment 78.5%
Percent satisfied with school-home relations 39.3%