Financial Data

West Lee Elementary School

Financial Data

School level Financial Information

Our School Change from Prev Year
Average teacher salary $46,103 Up from $42,369
Percent of expenditures for instruction 62.6 Up from 47.3
Percent of expenditures for teacher salaries 49 Down from 41.6
Average administrator salary $88,306 Up from $85,775
Percent of students in poverty (TANF, Medicaid, SNAP, foster child, homeless or migrant) 93.9 Up from 88.1
Prior fiscal year State & Local Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure $15,702 Up from 9127
Prior fiscal year Federal Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure $1,073 Up from 729
Prior fiscal year State & Local Non-Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure $3,450 Up from 2333
Prior fiscal year Federal Non-Personnel Per Pupil Expenditure $853 Down from 1531
Prior fiscal year Total State & Local Per Pupil Expenditure $19,152 Up from 11459
Prior fiscal year Total Federal Per Pupil Expenditure $1,926 Down from 2260
Prior fiscal year Total Per Pupil Expenditure $21,078 Up from 13719