Career Readiness Assessments

School Comparison of
Crestwood High School Lakewood High School Sumter High School

Assessment Results

Career Readiness Assessments

Percent of Students Earning Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze Ready to Work (R2W) Certificate

Students who received a bronze CertificateStudents who received a silver CertificateStudents who received a gold CertificateStudents who received a platinum Certificate
Crestwood High School 24.0 48.3 3.5 Data N/A
Students who received a bronze CertificateStudents who received a silver CertificateStudents who received a gold CertificateStudents who received a platinum Certificate
Lakewood High School 30.9 37.2 2.2 0.9
Students who received a bronze CertificateStudents who received a silver CertificateStudents who received a gold CertificateStudents who received a platinum Certificate
Sumter High School 26.9 39.3 5.5 0.7

Percent and Number of Students Taking Career Readiness Assessment and Earning Ready to Work (R2W) Certificate

  Total number of students who tested on all three tests. Students who did NOT receive a Certificate Students who DID receive a Certificate Students who received a bronze Certificate Students who received a silver Certificate Students who received a gold Certificate Students who received a platinum Certificate
  N % N % N % N % N % N % N
Crestwood High School 288 24.3% 70 75.7% 218 24.0% 69 48.3% 139 3.5% 10 Data N/A Data N/A
Lakewood High School 223 28.7% 64 71.3% 159 30.9% 69 37.2% 83 2.2% 5 0.9% 2
Sumter High School 435 27.6% 120 72.4% 315 26.9% 117 39.3% 171 5.5% 24 0.7% 3

Level score requirements for each certificate level

Certificate Level Level Score Requirements Certificate levels correspond to the skill requirements of profiled jobs in the ACT JobPro® database
Platinum Minimum score of 6 on each of the three core subtests* Indicates the skills required for approximately 99% of profiled jobs
Gold Minimum score of 5 on each of the three core subtests* Indicates the skills required for at least 93% of profiled jobs
Silver Minimum score of 4 on each of the three core subtests* Indicates the skills required for at least 69% of profiled jobs
Bronze Minimum score of 3 on each of the three core subtests* Indicates the skills required for at least 17% of profiled jobs
*The three core Career Readiness subtests are: Applied Mathematics,Reading for Information, and Locating Information.