Carolina Forest High School is helping all students develop the world-class skills and life and career characteristics of the profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing opportunities in academics, athletics, and humanities. The academic challenges and opportunities provided through various avenues are rich in blended learning and driven by formative data. Comprehensive digital content and proven instructional practices by highly qualified teachers are combined to promote occasions for personalized learning. Our theme for the 2017-2018 school year was “Be 212,” and we encouraged staff and students to go the extra degree. We continued to encourage our students and staff members to connect and care for one another. Inspirational quotes and banners as well as motivational murals by our National Art Honor Society students hang in our hallways as reminders to our students and teachers to illustrate their dedication to accomplishing goals, building relationships, and growing as productive citizens in the greater community. The 2017-2018 school year also included the Panther Power Lunch, a program designed to provide students with opportunities for extended learning, which involved motivational or academic speakers, career information, club activities, and more. The 4th year implementation of the Personalized Digital Learning (PDL) initiative was a success, with students and teachers regularly incorporating the use of one-on-one technology. Again, Dell Venues were provided for all students, grades nine through twelve. Teachers continued to broaden their access to a variety of digital content as they also explored new ways to create their own. Our team members participated in numerous staff development opportunities to enhance instructional skills associated with the utilization of technology to promote individualized learning experiences across the curriculum. Our school year ended with 530 graduates; 327 received scholarship offers totaling approximately $9,243,240.00. Among the many talented students in the senior class, Carolina Forest High School was privileged to have 40 Palmetto Fellows and 139 LIFE Scholarship recipients. Our second-year partnership with Equal Opportunity Schools and its Lead Higher program met with positive gains in achieving equity for all students in Advanced Placement enrollment. In fact, Advanced Placement enrollment continued to increase, along with the number of AP courses offered, which reached 21. In light of this sustained growth, CFHS initiated an AP Academy in 2015-2016; the Academy grew in 2016-2017 to include AP study centers and greater teacher collaboration. This year Academy students continued participation in job shadowing and took their first group field trip second semester. Our Project Lead the Way classes have also grown, adding additional Engineering and Biomedical classes. Within our performing arts program, we presented 10 sold-out performances of the Broadway musical, West Side Story. The CFHS string orchestra program competed at the Carowinds music festival and received Superior ratings in every category as well as 1st Place in the festival at the high school level. The CFHS Band program competed at the Carowinds music festival and received Superior ratings in every category. The CFHS Concert Band received a Superior with Distinction at the SCBDA Concert Performance Assessment. The CFHS marching band—the largest in Horry County Schools—placed 12th at state level competition, with an Excellent rating. Additionally, our band program has grown from 43 students in 2014 to 155 students in 2017-2018. Eighteen CFHS students were selected to the SCBDA Region V All-Region Band, while over 35 students were selected to various collegiate Honor Bands throughout North and South Carolina. Our theatre students performed The Sins of Sor Juana at the University of South Carolina in Aiken as part of the South Carolina Theatre Association (SCTA) Annual High School Festival and were awarded 2nd place out of 32 schools. These honors allowed them to represent the state of South Carolina by repeating their performance at the Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC) national festival held in Mobile, Alabama. Our CFHS Show Choir received a Superior rating and won the Golden Mickey for most outstanding choral group at the Festival Disney as well as presented several sold-out performances during the year. In visual arts, one of our students won Best of Show in the Burroughs-Chapin Juried Art Show and another won a national contest. Of the 24 varsity sports at Carolina Forest High School, 19 earned a state playoff berth, with 6 teams winning the Region V AAAA Championship. Finally, the CFHS NJROTC program grew from 129 to 153 cadets in 2017-2018. The program earned the Unit Achievement Award for North and South Carolina. We would like to thank our students, parents, teachers, and community members for your continued support as we progress toward our goals. Without your assistance, our continued progress would not be possible.
Gaye Driggers, Principal
Melanie Wellons, SIC Chairman