Alexander Elementary School is helping all students develop world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the Graduate by providing a safe, respectful environment where school and home promote high achievement for all learners. This brings breath to our Mission: "Embrace, Engage and Empower, Everyone Every Day." Alexander Elementary School celebrates a new beginning of academic excellence. As a partner with students, staff, families and the community, we cultivate a vibrant and rigorous learning environment for all of our students. The promise of preparation begins here as we challenge our students to become productive, responsible citizens and self-motivated learners. Our school improvement plan is fully aligned to the Greenville County School District’s vision. Every day we are striving to prepare our students so that they will be college and career ready.
Alexander Elementary is a community public school that serves pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. We celebrate the rich diversity of our school and the many cultures our students represent. We strongly believe that in order for our students to demonstrate academic excellence, we must first provide an environment that nourishes and enriches them. Our staff provides personal attention, encouragement, and consistent support for our students and rewards questioning and risk-taking when learning.
The Alexander Elementary Staff is dedicated to instilling a passion for learning. Our faculty members are committed to the constant improvement of their instructional skills and the acquisition of new strategies that are supported by an intensive plan of professional development, self-reflection and collaboration. At all grade levels, the staff strives to instill a love of reading non-fiction and fiction while also developing strong writing skills.
The infusion of technology and career awareness, into daily lessons and across all curricular areas, provides students with many opportunities to enhance 21stcentury skills and utilize the latest technologies as meaningful and effective educational tools to better prepare them for the technological world in which we live. Besides the strong core subject area experiences, students are exposed to the visual and performing arts. Physical Education classes infuse character education along with cross curricular lessons for all grade levels.
Our students enjoy a wide range of educational programs and activities including back to school nights, curriculum nights, Tutoring, Art Club, Men who Read, and Girls on the Rise, Chorus, inquiry-based science, Math Talks, and Gifted and Talented classes. For students who may need academic, social or emotional support, our school provides mental health counselors, school guidance counselors, English as a Second Language, academic support instruction, occupational and physical therapy, special education programming and related services.
Our commitment to student achievement, character education, and a bully-free environment is supported using Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, the House System, Character Education, the 4 Way Rotary Test, 5th Grade Leaders, parent workshops, and celebrations recognizing the efforts staff and students have made to create a positive, healthy learning environment. Every morning, our students’ recite the school pledge, “Soaring Eagles” behavior is expected throughout the school at all times. Safe, Orderly, and Respectful/Responsible are universal behaviors celebrated with weekly, monthly, and quarterly incentives for making positive choices. Morning messages in the cafeteria promote reading, writing, math, positive behavior, classroom expectation, celebrations, and monthly social and cultural themes.
The backbone to our outstanding parental involvement though, is the Parent Teacher Association and community volunteers, whose have been tremendously helpful with time, talent and resources. They have supported the school by enhancing academic programs, providing special programs, activities, and many holiday celebrations. We love our volunteers! Parents are welcome to volunteer in classrooms and with several activities throughout the year. Our teachers and students welcome the wealth of knowledge and skill our volunteers bring into the building.
Alexander Elementary Embracing, Engaging and Empowering Everyone Every day!
Michelle McCall, Chair, School Improvement Council
Dr. Sonya Campbell, Principal