Oakland Primary School is helping all students develop world-class skills and life and career characteristics of the profile of the SC Graduate by providing a warm and nurturing environment where all children can learn and succeed. Our students are involved in meaningful, engaging, and rigorous learning opportunities.
Oakland Primary School is helping all students develop World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by showing growth in the area of reading, which was a major focus for the 2022-2023. OPS had 81 of our 1st grade students scoring on track for success or better on the Reading portion of the Map test. In Math, 122 students scored on track for success or better on the MAP testing. This was in large part due to the continued implementation of MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports). Based on our strategic plan, we set yearly overall grade level growth goals for K and 1st grade reading and math Map. During the 2022-2023 school year, our hard working staff surpased each of those growth goals to keep us on target for our five year goals.
At OPS, we maintain high expectations for our students’ academic, social, emotional, and physical development. Our teachers continue to be involved in professional development opportunities such as LETRS training, Differentiated Instruction, Early Math Numeracy, Engaged Student Learning Environments, Mastery Connect, Google Apps and Classroom Training, and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). This year, we began the Leader In Me, starting with staff first and then full schoolwide implementation in January. We are committed to developing child-centered classrooms where critical thinking, leadership, and problem solving are daily priorities. Students are involved in STEAM, interactive learning via technology through the district One to Global initiative, hands-on activities, and literacy rich class rooms.
Our students continue to learn the value of collaboration through service learning projects such as The American Heart Walk, Relay for Life, Shower Shaw Cookie Drive, Canned Food Drives, the Giving Tree, the Relay for Life, and Character Education Programs. Students will again participate in the school's Eagle Buck Incentive Program which promotes positive behavior. Our students receive free breakfast and lunch through the District's Community Eligibility Lunch Program. This program ensures all students have a nutritious meal that energizes the mind for learning. Parental and community involvement are integral parts of our school.
At Oakland Primary, we believe it is the responsibility of the home, school and community to help our future SC Graduates and world leaders become well-rounded, productive citizens. We thank you for working with us, and for giving us the opportunity to serve your child/children.