North Central Middle School is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a safe, structured, and nurturing environment that encourages excellence in achievement. Through this environment, we were recognized and designated as a School To Watch by the South Carolina Association of Middle Level Education.
We offer a challenging, relevant, and standards-driven curriculum supported by a highly effective and efficient faculty and staff. We provide this educational environment by following our school mission of forming a "partnership with the home and community to develop successful and responsible students by providing a positive, challenging, and safe environment in which to learn." We demonstrate this mission daily by challenging our students with best practices to reach their full potential and by continual professional development of our teachers. Our teachers use the professional development knowledge of "Literacy Across the Curriculum" to provide creative, innovative lessons that incorporate critical thinking and problem-solving in the students' "educational journey which gives them World Class Skills" that will allow them to collaborate and work as a team.
Through the use of technology, our teachers demonstrate to the students how to learn, how to communicate and how to gather information that will allow them to compete on a global scale. All of our students are challenged with rigorous language arts, math, science, social sciences and arts standards that allow them to gain a "World Class Knowledge" as they prepare for career and college. Students are provided with the opportunity to acquire three high school credits while in middle school by taking English I, Algebra I, Spanish I or Computer Applications. Our Project Lead The Way Labs allow for all students to acquire the much-needed skills to be challenged in science, math, engineering and technology beyond the traditional curriculum. North Central Middle School prides itself on developing the whole "Patriot Student" that goes beyond academic achievement. Through our embedded character education program, our students develop the life and leadership skills that will help ensure success in life. The Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) program rewards students for displaying these attributes that enhance their interpersonal skills.
Our students have demonstrated how all these components of our instructional program are working. Our school continues to outperform other schools with similar demographics as our own. Our school had 100 percent of the Algebra I students pass the EOC (end of course test) for the second year in a row. Our school continues to excel in the Patriot's Pen essay contest sponsored by the VFW. Our school's Quiz Bowl Team continues to distinguish itself in competitions at the state level in the Midlands in its 6th year of existence. This year, the Quiz Bowl Team won our region and competed for the State Championship.
Our students continue to exemplify the results of a well-rounded instructional program that our instructional staff delivers each day.
Mr. David Pollock, Chair of the School Improvement Council
Mr. Chad Dixon, Principal, North Central Middle School