Harleyville-Ridgeville Middle School is a small rural school in upper Dorchester County in southwestern South Carolina. Our school is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the Graduate by ensuring that improving student learning through quality instruction continues to be the focus of Harleyville-Ridgeville Middle School. We are working for increased achievement through an instructional vision based on five concepts. Rigor, collaboration, student engagement, standards based instruction and data driven decision making make up these concepts. Teachers and administrators have analyzed data and have identified specific areas of instructional need.
Reflecting on the 2022-23 school year has shown room for growth in several areas. The STAR Reading and Math Data shows that areas of intervention and urgent intervention remain high across both Reading and Math. Since the school is small, it will be possible to target students for intervention to help improve student achievement. The curriculum specialist and administrative team will work with teachers across all content areas to improve their professional growth in their specific content area. Their practical application of the knowledge they gain will positively impact students' achievement and academic success. In order to address teacher quality, several professional development sessions will take place for the upcoming year.
Due to inappropriate behaviors in the classroom, we continually address classroom management issues in order to avoid loss of direct instructional time. Students were removed or sent from class for student conferences with administration, parent-teacher conferences, guidance or other school related agencies. All of these events resulted in a loss of direct instruction. Therefore, to address these issues, a Student Concern Specialist will assist in narrowing the gap with behavior issues and increase opportunities for academic success for all students.
Harleyville-Ridgeville Middle School also has areas of strength. For a rural school, there is a strong technology presence. Each student is provided with a Chromebook and all teachers either have or have access to a MacBook, Promethean Board or a Smart Board. All teacher assistants also have access to MacBooks or Chromebooks. Read and Math 180 supplemental classes provide a strong intervention for struggling students. The 21st Century After School Program is also an avenue to target struggling students as well as serve as a support for all students. This program also provides for ways to reach out to parents. The size of the school ranges on an average of 175-190 students which can also be a strength. Being small allows for more individualized attention being given to improve students' academic outcomes. The school has a curriculum specialist who works with teachers on improving instruction through one on one coaching as well as through professional learning communities (PLC's). The curriculum specialist also provides data analysis and other forms of feedback in order for teachers to reflect on the efficacy of instruction