Learn4Life High School-Charleston is a non-profit charter high school located in North Charleston, SC serving students ages 14-21 years old, in grade 9-12 grade. We target, support and specialize in helping students who are significantly behind in credit attainment, previously dropped out of school, or currently struggling to meet the demands of a traditional public school, either academically or socially. Approximately 80% of our students are at risk of not completing high school, due to having to work, caring for a child (parenting-teen) or parents, requires a smaller setting, recovering academic credit or other life factors. Designated an alternative education center (AEC) we give our students voice and choice in their education, based on an individual student's needs, talents and goals. Our model allows student to work towards graduation at their own pace, while valuing their unique needs and learning style.
Our school is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing flexible schedule, small group instruction, one-on-one conferencing, individualized learning plan, and self-paced personalized learning. We teach our students self-advocacy, and value what makes them unique as a learning. Tutoring, mentoring, wrap-around services, community connections and social emotional learning resources are available to all students. At Learn4Life every students can "Change their Story".