Union County High School is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by purposely integrating technology and the use of various e-learning and video conferencing platforms into daily instruction. Additionally, we also support and encourage the arts and extra curricular activities, as well as a focused inclusion of Career and Technology Education programs. Our goal is to prepare every student to become college and career ready by the time they graduate.
We had multiple students to complete programs as well as serve in co-ops and internships through the Career and Technology Center. Some students earned state licenses in various programs. Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) and Future Farmers of America (FFA) all are active and helping students explore training and career options as well as competing against other high schools. Over 75% of students at Union County High School take at least one career and technology class a year.
In the area of the arts, the drama department performed a fall play and a larger production in the spring, Hairspray. The marching band and chorus department participated in competitions and performances and performed locally in multiple venues. The chorus, orchestra, and visual art departments were active in performing and displaying student work throughout the county.
The JROTC Leadership Team attended camp at Fort Jackson and represented our school in various public events. Athletically, our wrestling team and our boys' basketball team advanced to the state playoffs. Every spring sport also advanced to their respective playoffs with baseball winning their district championship.
Junior Civitan, Interact, the National Honor Society, and the Beta Club are all active service groups working in the school and community completing multiple service projects on campus and in our community.
Our teachers participated in ongoing staff development during common subject-area planning using a weekly collaborative data team concept. The teachers created common formative assessments based on key standards and used the data to inform their instructional choices in order to utilize best practices. This allowed them to collaborate with colleagues about teaching strategies while raising student achievement. UCHS also utilized PLCs to improve instruction to honors level students and to improve student engagement.
The teachers also continued to use an incentive committee to reward appropriate student behavior and academic excellence. Our incentive committee found creative ways to build positive relationships and reinforce appropriate behavior. They honor the students and teachers of the month. This hard work will pay off and we are seeing increases in our graduation rate as last year we had an 8% increase.
Looking ahead to the new school year, the staff of Union County High School will love first and teach second, while continuing to focus on helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. We as a school will attempt to build on the successes of the past and grow in areas that need improvement. The teachers will continue to concentrate on student data to inform instruction and focus on improving engagement and improving positive relationships in order to enhance the educational experience for all students.
Our goal is college and career readiness for every student.