Chapin High School, recognized by US News and World Report as a top performing school in the midlands and across the state, is a community school with a tradition of academic, athletic and performing arts excellence that began in 1924, with a commitment to helping all students develop World Class Skills as outlined in the standards of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. We have aligned instructional practice, professional development and educational philosophy to ensure we are meeting the needs of all students. We maintain high academic standards, allowing our students to acquire the concepts and skills needed to pursue future college and career pathways. Chapin High School works collaboratively with the parents and the community to foster a culture of engagement, enthusiasm and excellence; ours is a culture that is infused with opportunities for student learning, teacher development and administrative collaboration.
To increase student readiness, we have placed a particular emphasis on 21st century skills, specifically critical thinking, communication, collaboration and communication. Teachers and students routinely engage in higher level thinking practices and small group collaboration. Our Academic Leadership Academy takes this one step further by incorporating all four practices in conjunction with the Center for Creative Leadership curriculum. For the 2023-2024 school year, 85 percent of Chapin High School students were offered State Scholarships, including 47 Palmetto Fellows Scholarships, and eight National Merit Scholarships. Graduating seniors were offered approximately 74 million dollars in scholarship money.
At Chapin High School, we fully commit to the principle of continuous improvement. This can be seen in our students’ academic and extra-curricular achievements as well as in our instructional programs and our collaboration with our community. Many of our students participate in clubs, organizations, arts and athletic programs after school and the success of these programs is truly impressive. In total, Chapin High has earned 57 state titles in athletics, the most recent being our 2023 AAAAA Cheer and Girls Varsity Lacrosse teams. We also had multiple players and coaches receive state level recognitions and honors. In the performing arts programs, Band, Chorus and Dance all received Straight Superior Ratings and Dance earned state titles in different divisions. Our well-prepared and fully engaged student body is the key to our success. Our student government had the honor of hosting the regional Southern Association of Student Councils conference this year.
Chapin High School is a family of dedicated teachers, staff, students and stakeholders who whole-heartedly believe in the concept of “One Heartbeat”. We strive everyday to speak life and be life for each other. We are ready to learn, respectful to others, and responsible to ourselves. We are committed to producing young men and women who are not only college and career ready, but compassionate and caring and primed to change the world.
Edward Davis Jr., Principal
Laura McKinney, SIC Chair