Lee Central High School has made great progress in the creation, development, and support for a healthy culture amongst the stakeholders that make up our learning community. On April 6, 2022, the leadership team organized a thorough review of the vision and mission of the school that included parents, students, teachers, and staff. The teams collaborating in break-out groups, analyzed the mission and vision statements and modified them to reflect the ongoing emphasis of lifelong learning, career-focused coursework, and individualized learning. After the completion of the teams’ work, the principal utilized a Google Form’s survey platform to gather feedback for the project. Although parental support was less than we desired, we were able to gain enough support to continue the process. An analysis of the survey results reflected that most agreed with the changes and thought they were aligned with the operations of the school. After much research and team collaboration, on April 12, 2022, a consensus was agreed upon by all stakeholders on the new mission and vision statements.
Lee Central High School (LCHS) has revised its bell schedule in the 2022-23 school year to include an Enrichment period the last period of the day. Adviser/Advisee period is scheduled for every Monday during the Enrichment period to allow students to secure an adult advocate. Some of the sessions have included clear expectations about expected behaviors, such as setting high goals, being a good friend, how to respond to police, striving for excellence, etc. LCHS has also developed the school-within-a-school model, and on occasion the teams are set up for friendly competitions. The Enrichment period also includes organizational meetings on Wednesdays, such as Academic Challenge Team, BETA Club, Student Government, and other clubs at the school. LCHS provides multiple opportunities for student growth and learning through programs such as Emerging leaders, SC HYPE, SGA, etc. The leadership team will review the Enrichment programs in the fall of 2023, using surveys, attendance data, and reflections to continue to move the programs forward.
At Lee Central High School, teachers and administrative staff continue to emphasize the available honors courses and AP classes that are offered. The messaging to students through our guidance department, assemblies, and classes have emphasized the availability and importance of taking at least one AP or honors class during their enrollment at LCHS. The past academic year’s enrollment data showed an increase in enrollment in our AP Biology class. Data from the first year that we offered AP Biology three years ago showed that students needed more time in preparing for the AP Biology exam; therefore, we increased the time in class from one semester to a full year. With the new schedule, the second year, there was an increase in the AP Exam scores, with two students making a 3. We are anticipating an additional AP class with the inclusion of AP Literature. The leadership team is planning on supporting the AP test takers by offering the resources they need, with an emphasis on blitz time and technological resources.
Although professional development opportunities are sporadic at Lee Central High School, professional development continues to be adjusted and modified based on the most recent state assessment data and classroom observation analysis from the past year. Teachers were very successful in engaging the students in the classroom; however, the level of rigor in some classes was often not what was necessary to either develop higher level thinking or accommodate struggling learners. To promote higher level thinking, teachers are being trained on the Depth of Knowledge techniques and design and are required to engage learners with a level 3 or higher task each week. Additionally, teachers are being trained on how to address the learners that are struggling with the material or the writing skills required on state tests and assignments. The leadership team continues to use eleot observations to guide professional development topics and have trained teachers on how to conduct the observations through a peer-observation initiative. The goal of the program is to engage teachers in planning for student success in higher level thinking through specifically designed learning activities. The leadership at Lee Central High School continues to track the observation data and celebrate success whenever possible.
Perceptions of equity among the students and teachers have varied, and the leadership team is in the process of developing a plan to address those concerns. According to the recent climate survey, 79.9% of students are satisfied with their learning environment, while 96.2% of teachers are satisfied with the learning environment, and 60% of parents are satisfied. 100 % of teachers are satisfied with social and physical environment, while 84.7% of students are satisfied, and 53.3% of parents are satisfied. The leadership has developed committees, such as honor roll, prom, community service, etc., to explore ways of celebrating and supporting students who have interests outside of the traditional activities and sports so that all students can shine and be recognized for their individual talents and interests. Presently, a few teachers are serving in leadership roles as department chairperson/multi-classrooms leaders; however, the leadership team recognizes that it can do a better job at offering leadership opportunities to all teachers.
Overall, Lee Central High School has a healthy culture that continues to develop and grow. The leadership team employs many tools such as surveys and observational data to monitor the operation of the school and make improvements when needed. It is the leadership’s goal to continue to improve the healthy culture of the school by continuing to work proactively for positive results in moving the school forward.