Wilder Elementary School provides an academically rigorous, safe and nurturing learning environment. Wilder Elementary School’s mission is to educate all, by providing innovative learning experiences in a diverse environment that fosters academic excellence and good citizenship.
To fulfill this mission we use data driven standards based instruction. Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), the Next Steps Guided Reading Assessment, daily formative assessments, common assessments, and running records are used to drive our instructional decisions. Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS), and on-going professional development are important collaborative components to plan sound instructional decisions that are specific to the needs of our students. Weekly planning meetings are held with each grade level and members of our instructional team to enhance instruction. All of our students have a district Chromebook and a variety of technology platforms such as Exact Path and DreamBox Math are utilized in an effort to increase student engagement and personalize student learning.
As we strive to foster academic excellence our primary focus is reading, writing, and math. We have fully implemented Accelerated Reader this year to encourage students to read every day. To reward students for their efforts we set up an AR store and have a regularly scheduled time students can go “shopping” with their AR points. Students that meet their AR goals are invited to a celebration at the end of each quarter. In addition, we have an incentive for math fluency. Weekly math fact competitions take place in each classroom. Each quarter class representatives come together to compete in the math bowl. This has encouraged every student at Wilder to become fluent in math facts that are in the S.C.State Standards for their grade level. These incentives have made the journey to literacy and math fluency both fun and rewarding for our Wilder family.
Communication is critical to our mission. Communication is enhanced through our updated school website, social media, newsletters, parent workshops, Title I planning meetings, School Improvement Council (SIC)meetings, conference nights, school events, a school marquee, academic progress reports, routine parent-teacher communication, as well as the SIC Annual Report to the Parents are part of our communication between the school and parents.
Our students and staff believe in the mission to be good citizens.. Our commitment to serving others is exhibited by making donations to Jump Rope for Heart, March of Dimes, Relay for Life, United Ministries and other organizations. Wilder promotes events that provide children with opportunities to grow socially and academically. Students participate in Red Ribbon Week, Spirit Weeks, Read Across America Week, American Education Week, and Title 1 Parent Workshops.In addition, we are extremely proud of our military. We proudly honor our veterans with a celebration on Veteran’s Day and support our military children throughout the school year. To promote good citizenship within our school, we recognize “Students of the Month” and highlight students for quarterly academic awards such as Principal's List, Honor Roll, and Effort Honor Roll. Students also have the opportunity to earn incentives when exhibiting SOARing High traits as well as overall good behavior. Students are invited to the principal's office every Friday afternoon for a special treat. Entire classes that exhibit exemplary behavior have the opportunity to earn pizza parties once they have earned ten Super Soar Tokens. Every student that has good behavior is invited to a quarterly good behavior celebration.
Our ultimate goal is to give our students the gift of literacy and ensure they are on the trajectory to become college and career ready citizens when they graduate from high school.