Lemira embodies the characteristics of a SC graduate by ensuring students have world class knowledge, world class skills, and life and career characteristics. To ensure such, Lemira's mission is to motivate, inspire, and educate all students to be college and career ready to ensure that all students become global, competitive citizens. Providing a rigorous, safe, and nurturing learning environment are top priorities.
In embracing a rigorous and rich learning environment, quality instruction was provided through the use of a school-wide workshop model instructional framework in reading, writing, and math. The workshop model provided a class structure that allowed for a focused work time, so students have the gift of time to practice new skills and apply them to their project. Having exposure to high levels of Depth of Knowledge (DOK) questions and project based learning also created opportunities for students to be exposed to the world of inquiry in all content areas. In addition, tiered interventions were in place to allow for differentiation and pacing, according to each students' personalized pathway for learning. Along with the continuation of the MTSS process, the master schedule reflected a school wide intervention time, Lion Enrichment, in which tiered one intervention, Exact Path and Reading Eggs, allowed students to work on individual skill sets in reading and math, according to their personalized learning pathway. Tiered II and III interventions were provided through reading interventionists, which focused on the Leveled Literacy Intervention Curriculum. In addition, after school programs, such as FEV tutoring and Academic Scholars Club, provided academic support to targeted groups.
Lemira continued to integrate ROAR (Respectful and Responsible, On Task, Achievers, and Readers) into our daily school-wide behavior expectation program. The ROAR characteristics embraced desirable and safe behaviors and expectations school wide. The daily ROAR expectations were integrated through the school-wide SEL lessons taught during morning meetings. PBIS initiatives also embodied the ROAR characteristics through activities, such as as behavioral ROAR assemblies, ROAR Paws as redeemed through the school's PBIS store, and PBIS incentives.
Lemira is a 1:1 school, in which chrome books were provided to all students in grades PK-5. Students have access to various technology programs to strengthen content area skills. Teachers also received on going training to assist in technology integration.
Lemira maintains ongoing communication with its stakeholders through the school website, social media, weekly newsletters, weekly edulink calls, parent workshops, Title I planning meetings, School Improvement Council (SIC) planning meetings, conference nights, school events, school marquee, academic progress reports, Schoology learning management system, routine parent-teacher communication, parent workshops, and Report to the Parent.
Lemira continues to promote and celebrate good student character and academic celebrations through activities, such as the following: MAP Celebrations, PBIS incentives, Author of the Month, KOANA Ice partnership with Terrific Kid, ROAR Paws recipients, Read Across America Week, Author of the Month, and much more. Moreover, students were recognized with academic awards such as Principal’s List, A/B honor roll, and good behavior and attendance incentives. Lemira students were provided the opportunity to participate in the Lemira Percussion, the Lemira Chorus, Step team, Odyssey of the Minds, CROWNED Girls group, Boys Mentor group, Girls on the Run, and the Garden Club.
The Lemira school family has been positively impacted by the ongoing support and cooperation of our community business partnerships and proud recipients of community grants. Lemira was awarded the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (FFV) grant, which provides a daily mid day snack to students as it increased brain activity. :Lemira also recieved a grant from Prisma Health, which provided funds to purchase school supplies for students. We are forever grateful to our Faith Based Community partners (Eastside Baptist Church and Jehovah Missionary), Prisma Health Tuomey Hospital, Eaton Corporation and Giant Resource Recovery for their generosity and commitment to the Lemira family.
We are dedicated to promoting a loving, challenging, nurturing and safe environment where all students enjoy school and learn each day.
Mrs. Stephanie Gregg, Ed.S, Principal
Ms. Teresa Mullins, SIC Chairperson