Report Card Narrative
High Hills Elementary School, A proud Leader in Me School is one of sixteen elementary schools serving Sumter School District. High Hills serves students who reside on Shaw Air Force Base and throughout the surrounding rural communities of Sumter County. The school population at High Hills reflects a diverse group of children whose parents’ occupations include hourly wage earners, military employees, and college-educated professionals in the community. A number of our students’ families receive public assistance. High Hills’ current enrollment is approximately 430 students in grades 4 and 5. Our student population consists of 57% African American, 32% Caucasian and 11% other nationalities.
At High Hills Elementary, our school is helping all students to develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by...
Ensuring all students are being provided challenging curricula in all content areas
Ensuring all staff have high expectations for all students as we implement an Inclusion model
Ensuring the curriculum is being delivered in a blended learning manner using research-based practices and research-based materials, while integrating technology
Student Achievement
High Hills Elementary students participated in the State mandated 2021-2022 SCPASS and SC READY Assessments.
Meet or Exceeds
Meet or Exceeds
Grade 4
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 5
Meet or Exceeds
Grade 4
These scores indicate a drastic decrease in the number of students who met or exceeded expectations as compared to scores prior to Covid. Our challenge as students returned to face-to-face instruction, has been to accept them where they are academically and strive to get them where they need to be by the end of the year. Teachers have also been faced with an increase in students who have come to school with Social Emotional (SEL) needs as well. Our Leader in Me program serves as a school-wide social-emotional and character education program. We also have several other programs teachers can use to address the SEL needs of our students. Our Full Inclusion special education program in both grades has elicited very strong data showing that students perform better while amongst their peers. We have a Talented and Gifted program that provides a supplemental challenging curriculum, through a Certified TAG Teacher. Classroom teachers have access to higher grade-level instructional materials to expose TAG students to upper level standards and curriculum.
Academically, we will continue to review the programs we are using to determine which ones best meet the needs of our students. Weekly professional learning communities (PLCs) take place to discuss and develop best instructional practices. Multiple school site-licensed technology programs have been purchased to ensure the successful implementation of blended learning and to provide interventions for those students identified with weaknesses. Teachers will continue to attend educational conferences to keep abreast on current trends and issues in education. Teachers will continue to utilize small group instruction to provide in-class interventions to students with identified deficiencies ensuring that all students have the potential to greatly improve their test scores and demonstrate mastery of the standards. After School Tutoring and Summer School are offered to students who need remediation. In reality, all content areas continue to be areas of weakness as evidenced by data. The school will implement a series of strategies to address these deficiencies.
Teacher and Administrator Quality
Currently High Hills is 84% compliant with our professional staff meeting the state guidelines for highly qualified. We continue our recruitment and retention efforts to hire the most qualified candidates to teach our students.
At High Hills Elementary, we strive to have a staff that is properly certified in their prospective content areas. Due to the importance of all teachers being literacy instructors at the elementary level, we want to ensure 100% of our staff are Read to Succeed (R2S) certified.Our Reading Coach keeps the staff up to date on the current courses available so all certified staff can be compliant with being R2S endorsed.
The Administrative team at High Hills Elementary School are certified and Highly Qualified with several years of experience. Both Administrators hold a Read To Succeed endorsement.
Various professional development opportunities are offered throughout the year in order to keep the faculty and staff abreast of current trends and issues in education. A rigorous State evaluation process takes place with each candidate seeking recertification.
Read to Succeed
High Hills Elementary believes that children’s reading skills are important to their success in school and life. In addition, literacy is at the heart of students’ ability to learn and succeed in school and beyond. It is essential we give every student the best chance to master literacy so they can meet the challenges of 21st century life. Through successful implementation of our comprehensive reading plan, we will see literacy rich environments where students are actively engaged in authentic reading, writing, and research experiences throughout the school day. As a result, optimal student achievement will occur. High Hills Elementary School’s Reading Plan was designed to correlate with our School Strategic Plan and will be implemented as a means of addressing identified school and student needs. This plan will support other school and district initiatives including MTSS and High Progress Literacy Classrooms.. The components of our plan will be communicated to stakeholders through written notifications, parent meetings, and the school’s website. The school’s reading plan will be monitored by the Literacy Team during regular meetings, in which data analysis and feedback from administrators and coaches will be shared. Teachers will continue to take Read to Succeed classes to ensure compliance in earning the R2S endorsement required by the State. Weekly professional learning communities (PLCs) take place to discuss and develop best instructional practices. Multiple school site-licensed technology programs have been purchased to ensure the successful implementation of blended learning and to provide interventions for those students identified with weaknesses. Teachers will continue to attend educational conferences to keep abreast on current trends and issues in education. Teachers will continue to utilize small group instruction to provide in-class interventions to students with identified deficiencies ensuring that all students have the potential to greatly improve their test scores and demonstrate mastery of the standards.
School Climate
One of the focuses for our school climate is to increase the percentage of teachers, parents, and students who are satisfied with the learning, social, and physical environments. We also hope to improve communications between home and school through better usage of emerging technologies and additional opportunities for parents and the community to support the school. Finally, because students can not learn if they are not present, we strive to improve student attendance and decrease discipline referrals resulting in suspensions and expulsions.
Instructional interruptions such as discipline disruptions and referrals are monitored. The school’s Assistant Principal and Behavior Interventionist provides positive interactions with students and the school’s Guidance Counselor provides needed Counseling.
The Guidance Counselor conducts conflict management sessions and individual and group counseling. Bully prevention efforts are school-wide through our Leader in Me initiative. Student social and emotional (SEL) needs have increased. A school-wide SEL program is available through our Nearpod and Leader in Me subscriptions and will be implemented during Morning Meetings. Students are encouraged to take on Leadership Roles. A variety of Clubs are offered during the school day on a monthly basis at High Hills Elementary School.
Our parents are very supportive and continue to be involved in their child’s education. The school continues to keep the lines of communication open between home and school through School and Class Dojo. Parent Portal is accessible to parents 24/7 so they can review assignments and grades.
Instruction and innovative practices are at the forefront at High Hills Elementary School. We are a fourth-year Leader in Me School. Students accept Leadership Roles and take ownership of their learning and actions. The 7 (8 with Finding Your Voice) Habits are taught, practiced and revisited throughout the year to ensure students carry themselves as highly effective human beings and make good, positive decisions in school and in life.
Taking into consideration the decline in test scores, High Hills’ Instructional Coach, Reading Coach and outside consultants will continue to provide the teachers with intense professional development that focuses on standards-based instruction and incorporating research-based strategies. Administration will meet with each teacher to analyze test data and to discuss action plans. Teachers will continue to analyze class and grade level data in PLC’s to improve in areas of weakness in order to provide the best education possible to our students.
Lastly, as evidenced by survey results and teacher shortages, the pandemic has taken an emotional toll not only on students, but on teachers and staff as well. The school will engage in a number of strategies to increase student, teacher and staff well-being.