Wallace-Gregg Elementary School is an elementary school with a rich history that spans over one-hundred years and is a pillar of the Florence community. Our school serves approximately 375 students in grades kindergarten through fifth. As a faculty and staff, we take pride in ensuring that every child at Wallace-Gregg is supported in their learning, with high expectations, differentiated instruction, and innovative practices. Additionally, our partnership with Francis Marion University, as the first lab school of the Pee Dee, inspires our building to use cutting-edge research to continuously improve instruction.
During the 2022-2023 school year, Wallace-Gregg expanded our STEM focused curriculum to encompass all grades. This school year, Wallace-Gregg will pilot the first ever use of robotic technology based in AI to provide differentiated and live tutoring to students during small-group ELA and math instruction in Florence 1. Robotics and larger STEAM instruction will now expand to the heart of literacy support for students, with students using a robotic ally to receive encouragement and support.
Teacher-led small group instruction remains at the heart of our instructional model. Using data to make meaningful and impactful instructional decisions, a new leadership team is driven to support teachers in creating differentiated instruction and learning experiences for students with the skills they uniquely need to strengthen.
Our students are the driving force of our school. We make every effort to develop our students into life long learners and leaders. Inspired by the philosophy, our inclusion of a behavior coach, a school-based therapist, and a school counselor on our leadership team establishes a clear value at Wallace-Gregg…that joyous children make joyous learners. We believe in educating the whole child and helping students not only learn core content standards, but social-emotional skills, such as self-regulation and de-escalation.
Our new initiative for the 2023-2024 school year will be a rededication to Accelerated Reader. Through daily and weekly logging of reading, gamification-based practices to incentivise both passionate and reluctant readers, parent literacy workshops to support at-home learning, and strategic planning with sister schools in our district, Wallace-Gregg Elementary students will know that literacy is truly the pathway to achievement.
Wallace-Gregg Elementary unapologetically seeks to be a place where teachers love to teach, parents and guardians love to send their students, and where children always want to learn. With an increase in academic rigor, behavioral and instructional expectations, community outreach and partnerships, and staff devotion to our goals, our school will achieve our mission.