Timrod Elementary School is helping all students develop the world-class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a safe, caring, and academically challenging learning environment. We provide this environment with the implementation of our school mission which is “Students first!” Timrod is actively engaged in our vision statement “Timrod students are highly engaged, motivated, and responsible citizens of an ever-changing society.”
Our teachers are dedicated to providing best practices in the classroom by implementing effective teaching strategies through standards-based instruction that includes blended learning in ELA and Math, the Workshop Model, and small group instruction. Timrod has a Reading Recovery teacher, a Literacy Coach and a Curriculum/Technology Coordinator to assist and support classroom insturction. In the coming year, Timrod will implement a Science of Reading program that includes direct, explicit instruction in phonics in grades Kindergarten through Second. Additionally, we will continue our project-based learning, a student-based learning program to build and strengthen science skills, prepare students to compete in the workforce, solve challenging problems, and contribute to world growth in scientific fields. Teachers will guide students as they lead their own learning and build knowledge by exploring and studying provided modules on their own.
Developing and exhibiting good character is a school-wide goal for students and staff. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an ongoing program for our school community. Students are celebrated for displaying positive behavior during the school day with tokens, character coupons, and recognition during school announcements.
Timrod provides a vast number of extracurricular activities for our students to develop character, responsibility, leadership skills, and school pride. These activities include: BETA Club, Art Club, Drama Club, Good News Club, Student Brigadiers, Jump Rope Club, Student Leadership Team, Band, Strings, Chorus, BOB Team, and service projects.
Timrod strives to ensure that all students are academically successful by sharing that responsibility with parents and community leaders. The school is committed to preparing students to be successful, life-long learners.
Elizabeth Jackson, Principal