Theodore Lester Elementary School, also known as Lester Elementary, is a small 5k-5th grade school nestled in the rural area of Florence, South Carolina. Enrollment averages between 267-287 students. Enrollment fluctuates due to frequent relocation of families in and out of the area. There are twelve general education classes, six Autism self-contained classes, and one resource support classroom. Related Arts classes include art, music, physical education, and STEM education. All of Lester’s Autism teachers receive Safety-Care training to provide staff with skills for prevention, minimization, and management of dangerous or challenging behaviors. Lester Elementary also has a state-of-the-art sensory room which is designed to provide calm, focus, and comfort to students with sensory processing problems. Specialized support services include two certified occupational therapists, one physical therapist, two autism consultants, two speech teachers, one visually impairment specialist and one school nurse.
The school’s ethnicity and racial make-up is as follows: 6% Hispanic/Latino, 9% Biracial, 14% Caucasian, and 69% Black or African American. In addition to the traditional academic curriculum, Lester’s academic curriculum includes STEM education provided by a Nationally Board-Certified Teacher. Title I Grant funds are used to employ four instructional interventionist that provide extra support in math and reading for students who meet the criteria. During the 2022-2023 school year, students in Grades 2 and 3 were offered the opportunity to participate in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program (CCLC). This grant-funded after-school program, awarded to rural and inner-city public schools, is intended to help students meet state and local achievement standards through academic enrichment and an array of additional services and activities including STEM experiences, the arts, recreation, and character education. This program will continue through the 2025-2026 school year.
Lester Elementary is a one-to-one school, allowing each student to have their own individual electronic device. This gives many students access to online learning resources at home that might otherwise nor be available. MiFi devices are provided for Lester Elementary students living in homes without internet support. This allows students to continue their learning during prolonged absences from school.
Theodore Lester Elementary faculty and staff strive to serve the needs of the whole student. Extra-curricular activities include Horizons Art Club, 4-H Club, Band, Strings, Sports Club, Chorus, and Drama Club. Students also participate in the Good News Club, courtesy of a partnership with one of the local churches. The school strives to meet the social emotional needs of its students by implementing the Second Step social emotional learning curriculum to ensure consistency from classroom to classroom. In addition to the 2nd Step Curriculum, school personnel implement the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support program (PBIS) to continuously recognize students for meeting behavior expectations across school settings.
We believe that it takes all of us—the community, parents, teachers, staff, and students—working together to help each child develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary to be life-long learners. Theodore Lester Elementary faculty and staff are grateful to F1S District Leaders, F1S School Board, school business partners, parents and community members that donate their time and resources to support our students. We are united in the common goal of preparing our students for the world of work and to grow into productive citizens.
Davia Robinson, SIC Chairperson
Janette Williams, Principal