W. E. Parker Elementary is helping students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by collaborating with all community stakeholders, including parents, to promote academic success and social-emotional well-being. Our goal is to develop lifelong learners who use academic skills, critical thinking skills, and strong leadership habits to grow and achieve success.
Our School Improvement Council is committed to our focus on the areas of Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity. More specifically, our school set focused goals on increasing school to home communication and as community collaboration. We increased our means of communication with families and community stakeholders through an electronic marquee, the use of electronic apps for parent-teacher communication, monthly calendars of important dates, weekly articles to the local media, weekly calls to homes, parent nights, and with a significant increase in our online presence through our school website and social media outlets. In addition, with a focused goal on increasing our community partnerships and opportunities for collaboration, our school established a network of community partners that collaborate through quarterly meetings, parenting and family events, community programs, and support services. In particular, for example, we have partnered with our local childcare providers and organizations to increase our students level of school readiness.
The goal of W.E. Parker Elementary is to develop lifelong learners who use academic skills, critical thinking skills, and strong leadership habits to achieve the world class skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Our students strive each day to obtain the personal, relational, and thinking skills necessary to display the following:
Integrity, Self-Direction, and a Strong Work Ethic--Personal Skills
Collaboration, Communication, and being Trust-Worthy--Relational Skills
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Literacy, and Knowing How to Learn--Thinking Skills
With the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate and these goals in mind, our administration, faculty, staff, and stakeholders work as a team to provide a learning environment where all W. E. Parker Elementary students experience success and develop as a lifelong learner!