Memminger Elementary, IB World School has worked diligently to ensure that all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a safe, caring, and academically challenging learning environment.
Our mission, in partnership with our parents and community, is to accelerate achievement through inquiry, social and emotional development and agency. We work hard to help students develop the attributes of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile to become internationally minded learners.
The 2022-2023 school year began with celebrations. It felt good to begin a year without the limitations and restrictions placed on us through the Covid pandemic of the prior two years. Additionally, our state report card increased by a level, and Memminger Elementary was able to drop our state priority status. We also were not identified for any state improvement designations. Students also demonstrated successes through demonstrating the IB Learner Profile attributes that are the cornerstone of our IB school culture. Our student chosen IB Clubs contributed to this in a significant way.
We built and expanded our fledgling PTO this year and were excited by the amount of parent participation we experienced. Our school held its first Fun Run with great parent involvement and participation. We were able to provide numerous field trip experiences for our students this year, which we’ve missed during pandemic years. Our IB showcase this year included our first 5th grade International Baccalaureate exhibitions. In addition to art, music, PE and library, we also offered Spanish and STEM as related arts classes again this year.
Our faculty participated in professional development focused on student engagement and rigor. We continued our work with our comprehensive ELA program. Teachers collaborated weekly in deep dives into our standards and closely monitored student progress. Additionally, nearly all of our teachers participated in a year long training in Kagan Cooperative Learning, and our kindergarten through third grade teachers have been working on a two year reading course, LETRS. Kelly Vossler was selected as our Teacher of the Year and Kaylee Mills was chosen as our Rookie Teacher of the Year.
The hard work and dedication of our parents and volunteers, as well as our outstanding community support, enhanced the mission of the school. We look forward to continuing to grow in the 2022-23 school year, as we work toward our district goal of all students reading on grade level by fifth grade by the end of 2027.
Dottie Brown, Principal
Natalie Ham, SIC Chair