Barnwell Elementary School is helping all students develop the world class skills and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a safe and academically challenging learning environment. Our theme for 2022-2023 is “Soaring to New Heights.” We are a proud Title I school that continues its tradition of providing students with a quality educational program in a caring and nurturing environment. Our mission is to prepare our students for lifelong success by providing individualized learning experiences. Our main goal is to build a safe and positive learning environment where staff and students enjoy coming to school every day to learn, and where parents are proud to have their children attend. We believe it is important to model respect and foster a caring school culture where everyone feels valued and appreciated. Finally, we believe in building partnerships between school, home, and community.
Barnwell Elementary continues to provide students with a well-rounded curriculum that is aligned with the South Carolina State Standards. Using a wide array of strategies, materials and methodologies, the teachers strive to differentiate their instruction to address the educational needs and learning styles of each student. Our school utilizes a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) to assist students that need additional help in academics and/or behavior. Our teachers work collaboratively with interventionists and instructional coaches to provide our students with comprehensive support.
With the support of various grants and community partnerships, additional funds enabled our students to go beyond the typical elementary school curriculum. These funds assisted with enhancing our current school initiatives.
One aspect that contributes to Barnwell Elementary’s success is the dedication of the hardworking staff and the continued support of local community and parents. In addition to giving to our students, at BES we teach our students to also give back to the community. The school supported many community outreach initiatives such as a can food drive for our local food bank, Toys for Tots, and many more. We also partnered with the Tri-County Community Foundation and was awarded several teacher grants.
Regarding areas of improvement, Barnwell Elementary is continuously striving to improve in all facets, particularly in the three areas outlined in our school’s strategic plan. Student performance, teacher and administrator quality, and school climate are the three areas we are seeking to improve in through an intentional, daily effort.
To address the area of need related to student performance, the following steps are actively being taken: Continuing to increase the number of books in all core content classroom libraries. Providing 3 reading interventionists and 3 math interventionists to provide remediation for students with academic deficiencies. Continuing to maximize and protect instructional time in the master schedule, including incorporating STEM Lab into the schedule to provide more access to all students.
To address the area of need related to teacher and administrator quality, the following steps are being taken: Creation of grade level curriculum rooms on each hallway to maintain instructional supplies/materials, provide a space for Professional Learning Community Meetings, and provide a secure place for a data wall to discuss student academic needs. Continuing to monitor classroom instruction to ensure continuous improvement in teaching and learning. Continuing to plan and deliver ongoing, job-embedded professional development that includes the use of high yield, research-based instructional practices.
In the area of school climate, improvements have been made including: Staff celebrations monthly to boost morale, surprising teachers with snacks and small gifts periodically, continued use of PBIS strategies such as the “Student of the Week” nomination process and the Mustang Mall to recognize and reward exemplary behavior and academic performance.
The success of Barnwell Elementary can be attributed to the participation, involvement, and collaborative efforts of dedicated students, parents, community members, and staff that see the value and need for a quality education.
Kay M. Gooding, Principal
Hillary Hindman, SIC Chairperson