In an effort to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the academic growth of our students, Laurel Hill Primary focused on critical thinking and creativity as we developed the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate for all students throughout the 2021-2022 school year.
Critical thinking is essential in developing independent learners. The Bridges Math Curriculum, OGAP Strategies, and Adaptive Digital Content continued to be utilized to create differentiated learning opportunities for students. These programs allowed our teachers to pre-assess student skills and individualize the learning to meet their needs. Teachers also utilized digital workplaces for math to allow students to practice skills while adhering to COVID protocol. Adaptive digital content aligned with the Bridges Curriculum created multiple ways for students to practice solving problems while providing remediation and enrichment as needed. ESSER II funds were utilized to fund a full-time math intervention teacher who worked with first and second grade students. In the spring of 2022, data indicated positive growth in the area of math across all grade levels.
In order to have the success we experienced this year, our teachers had to get creative. They worked together to optimize the learning environment by providing differentiated texts, implementing personalized learning, engaging students on digital learning platforms, and ensuring all students the necessary resources to be successful. We funded a reading intervention position and utilized support staff to provide research-based instruction for our Tier 2 and Tier 3 learners. With student achievement in mind, we were able to develop our programs and approach to make sure all students made adequate growth by the end of the school year.
Our 21-22 motto was “Time to Shine”. Through critical thinking and creativity, we created safe learning opportunities where students were challenged and experienced success.
As we approach the 22-23 school year, we are dedicated to ensuring all students are on grade level in the area of reading by 2027. We will implement the EL curriculum with fidelity and have utilized our ESSER III grant to fund two additional reading interventionists.
Ashley Dorsey, Principal
Emily Laird, SIC Chairperson