Our school is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing students with the knowledge and capability to be economically successful. We know that students need to have a broad range of skills to be employable and hold a job and be a factor in a 21st century economy. Our students must be equipped to function as informed, active citizens and potential leaders in a 21st century world. It is our responsibility to ensure our students will be successful. Success means that all of our students will have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to be continuous, lifelong learners. Success means they are educated in ways that prepare them to adapt and function in an ever-changing world.
At South Middle, we believe for our students to be successful; our students must be able to think critically. The National Education Association has a statement that, “The connection between critical thinking and education is obvious – one cannot learn well without thinking well”. Critical thinking aids in educational and career success, but also to success in life. It is vital that students be taught critical thinking and effective problem-solving skills in the classroom. Critical thinking skills also lead to enhanced concentration skills and greater analytical ability.
South Middle School continues to move forward with academic success and school-wide improvements. We were honored to be re-designated as a National School to Watch. Many of our students and teachers were recognized for their contributions and successes both in and out of the classroom. Our school and staff continue to focus on providing students with a rigorous academic program, opportunities for academic assistance during the school day, experiences in the related arts, student-centered activities such as clubs, WSMS, and student and adult advisor-advisee, rotating time of day instruction, and numerous extracurricular opportunities. South Middle School also has a strong commitment with community service projects. Donations were made to Relay for Life, United Way, SMS Clothes Closet, and various other causes. We value partnerships and stakeholders who are invested in the success of our students as we strive to help our students become economically successful.
The resources provided to support South Middle’s goal to prepare students to be successful in tomorrow’s world also includes technologies. Making our students confident with several platforms of technology includes computer labs, laptop labs, iPad sets, Kindle Fires, a Smart Board in each classroom, and a one-to-one Chromebook program that has our students eager and engaged in learning.