Carolina Voyager Charter School is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the profile of the South Carolina Graduate by creating resilient learners and empathetic citizens, fostering, supporting, and promoting excellence in learning in an engaging, technology rich environment balanced with the social and emotional developmental needs of today’s student. The vision of our school is aligned with the purpose of the SC Charter School Act to “create new, innovative, and more flexible ways of educating children within the public school system.” Technology is incorporated into lessons regularly and students at Carolina Voyager Charter School are gaining important 21st century skills to prepare them well for their future.
Our staff implement national best practices of teaching and learning within a school culture that also nurtures social and emotional learning needed for success throughout our children’s lives. Our emphasis is on small group and individualized instruction to ensure our teaching is targeted at the appropriate levels of our students. Direct instruction and online technology utilizing a classroom rotation, blended learning model allows us to individualize and meet the specific needs of each student. Every child has their own Chromebook or iPad that travels home with them each evening.
Carolina Voyager teachers loop with their students. Looping allows teachers to thoroughly and accurately observe and assess students’ academic, social, and emotional development, while building strong relationships with their students and parents, therefore maximizing instructional time.
The student body at Carolina Voyager is diverse, both racially and socioeconomically. Sixty percent of our student body is white, and forty percent represented by five minority groups. Forty percent of our children’s families qualify for the free or reduced meal program. Students come to Voyager from across Charleston County. Carolina Voyager is proud of the accomplishments of our students in our first eight years of operation.
Anthony L. Holland, School Leader
Matt Long, School Board Chair