St. Matthews K-8 School strives to do what is best for children by providing them with empowering opportunities to compete and succeed in a global society through personalized and project-based learning pathways. As a TransformSC School, our classrooms are student-centered.
Professional development sessions and academic workshops for teachers focus on data analysis, technology integration, project-based and personalized learning, a growth mindset, and social-emotional skills. Through the daily implementation of Cardinal Character activities, students cultivate soft skills, and exercise social-emotional skills needed for good mental and physical health.
Our one-to-one technology initiative in Pre-K through eighth grades promotes engineering, mathematics, arts, and the social sciences. Additionally, teachers continuously integrate writing strategies throughout all subject content. Our rigorous standards in language arts and math prepare students for career and college readiness at an early age.
Through a partnership with Calhoun County High School and Orangeburg Technical College, we are in the fourth year of our Honor’s Academy learning track. Students who are participating in this program take honors courses at the middle school level and will receive an associate's degree at the end of their high school experience in our district. We also provide St. Matthews K-8 students with an array of enrichment programs such as Student Council, RIDDE, and activities sponsored by Clemson Extension that instill lifelong skills.
During the 2021-2022 school year, our school-helped students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate through authentic learning experiences and community outreach projects. Students were engaged in project-based studies, goal-setting exercises, choice assignments, blended and flipped classrooms. Students also volunteered in the neighborhood to assist with community clean up and support to the elderly. Students presented projects to parents and community members. Administrators, teachers, school counselors, parents, students, and community stakeholders collaborated to create a conducive learning climate beyond the school's wall.
The continual goal of St. Matthews K-8 School is to cultivate students to become world-class leaders who will positively impact our society. “Cardinals Soars! Every Day We Rise!”
Dr. Treda Keith Nelson, Principal
Dr. Shaniqua Hart, School Improvement Council Chairperson