The 2021-2022 school-year continued to present challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While students were back in the classroom receiving face-to-face instruction five days per week, teachers continued to work diligently to offer appropriate instruction for students out due to COVID-19. We only had a few students choosing to receive instruction through our virtual model. Due to all students being issued Chromebooks to support a one to one initiative at Latta High School, we were able to continue instruction when student absences were necessary.
Teachers continued to receive training to further develop their technology skills in Google Classroom, flip grid, and other technology methods. This allowed them to be better prepared to utilize technology to support instruction for students who had to be absent and for those present in the classroom. Throughout the year, we have continued to offer additional training in technology by our Teacher Leaders so that our faculty could continue to be prepared to serve our students through the use of technology.
During the 2021-2022 school-year, Latta High School promoted World Class Knowledge by offering rigorous courses in the International Baccalaureate Programme. We have forty juniors and seniors taking courses in this program and three seniors are working for the IB Diploma. We have maintained strong numbers in the Project Lead the Way Engineering program after adding the final course in this completer program during the 2019-2020 school-year. We have twenty enrolled in the final engineering class of this program, and we are excited to see the program continue to grow.
Although we had to continue to modify how we participated in extracurricular activities, we were able to continue to have students participate in all areas of athletics during the 2021-2022 year. Our Academic Challenge Team participated in matches both virtually and face-to-face. They finished the season as Region Runner-Ups. Our Robotics Team continued to meet and improve their skills this year. They participated in several competitions, which included the state competition.
Our continued implementation of Inquiry-Based instruction also led to the development of World Class Skills, to include critical thinking, problem solving, and innovation. We had to find new ways to allow students to work together and collaborate on activities and projects in order to maintain our established safety protocols. Teachers and students did an excellent job utilizing Google Classroom and flip grid to make this happen.
We continued to stress the development of Life and Career Characteristics through students participating in Individual Graduation Plans in order to plan for their chosen careers. All seniors were able to participate in our College Application Day, which provided assistance with the college application process. All participating seniors completed at least one college application and many completed several applications during this event. We anticipate a large percentage of the senior class will enroll in postsecondary education in order to achieve their goals.
We are continuing to focus on our arts programs and added IB Music to our International Baccalaureate Programme this year. We were excited that we were able to have performances during the 2021-2022 school-year. We have been able to have two drama performances this year and band, chorus, and dance are also having regular performances this spring. Band was able to participate in marching competitions this fall, and they participated in a Concert Festival this spring and received the highest score possible for their performance. We also had one student make All-State Chorus this year, which has not happened since the seventies. Our art students continued to display art work at various functions at school and in the community.
We are proud of our students’ achievements and the effort of our staff to exceed the challenges of a rigorous and relevant education to meet the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Despite the challenges we have faced during the last few years related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact this has had on instruction, we believe with students, teachers, staff, School Improvement Council members, community members, and parents working collaboratively, we will continue to strive for excellence.
Nanette W. Carmichael, Principal