During the 21-22 school year, Charleston Charter School for Math and Science (CCSMS) focused on supporting our scholars to reach their individual academic goals. CCSMS offers a STEM focused curriculum with a holistic approach to helping all of our scholars continue to develop the world class skills of SC Profile of the Graduate. The CCSMS mission is to educate students for success in college and careers by providing an innovative learning environment that is academically excellent, developmentally responsive, and socially equitable. Our 14th year became a year of identifying learning gaps and reintroducing state standards to scholars while pushing forward with advanced curriculum. Our teachers and administrators worked together to further strengthen connections with our families with a focus on scholars' academic and developmental growth.
CCSMS families reflect the socio-economic and racial diversity of Charleston County, believe in the mission of the school, and collaborate as genuine partners with CCSMS faculty and staff when developing reasonable expectations for our scholars. Our scholars and their families live throughout Charleston County School District with some walking to school just a few blocks and others riding a bus for nearly an hour.
During the 21-22 school year, our mission-driven commitment to growing our scholars was reflected in our work to develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Highlights of this work include our scholars collaborating through classroom projects, writing assignments, and the arts to communicate their viewpoints in multiple classes. All of our scholars are encouraged to combine their critical thinking skills and along with their creativity to solve real world problems both in our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) courses and our more traditional classes. CCSMS was recognized again as a school of distinction by Project Lead the Way for both our middle school and high school programs.
CCSMS recognizes there are opportunity gaps in our community that our scholars come to us with. Many of our scholars have their first taste of academic success with us when we meet them where they are academically and help them grow based on their needs. We create opportunities for scholars to broaden their understanding of the world, to make authentic connections with complex problems, and to explore STEM careers and the varied academic pathways to attain them. Our continued commitment to access and equity allows all scholars the opportunity to succeed.
Mary Carmichael, CCSMS Executive Principal and CEO
Russ Campbell, CCSMS Board Chair