Charleston County School of the Arts is helping all students develop the World-Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing focused arts instruction and rigorous courses in math, language arts, science, social studies, and world languages.
Students spend 90 minutes daily honing their skills in Band, Creative Writing, Dance, Fashion, Piano, Orchestra, Theatre, Vocal Music, or Visual Arts. They are recognized regionally and nationally for their performances, and programs are touted as some of the most outstanding in the country.
During the 2021-2022 school year, to support student success, SOA focused on two of the World-Class Skills in the Profile of Skills of a SC Graduate: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving and Knowing How to Learn. Teachers worked with students through classroom interventions to help students identify concepts and units to review to recover credit. To further support struggling students, interventionists met with students to identify strategies and create learning plans and schedules to help them learn how to learn more effectively. The efforts of teachers, counselors, interventionists and administrators resulted in success for students. This year, SOA had a 98% graduation rate and celebrated with seniors as they walked across the stage to receive their diplomas.
At Charleston County School of the Arts, we are committed to challenging and supporting students as they develop their artistic gifts and grow in their ability to learn, create, express, and positively impact the world.
Dr. Shannon Cook, Principal
Ms. Anne Cimballa, SIC Co-Chair