Hunter Street Elementary has been hard at work building the desire for personal growth and excellence in our students. The first step in our work was to rebuild strong, long-lasting relationships with our students and families after a sense of isolation for the past two years. Strong relationships create a foundation upon which to build the necessary World Class Skills in our students.
In the area of innovation, we strive to provide relevant work for students through choices in projects and presentation of work. In our upper grades, we have focused upon problem solving and collaboration. Students are presented a problem and work together to decide on the best way to solve the issue. Varying points of view help students realize the value of teamwork and see that there is more than one way to approach a problem. We have continued to improve upon our literacy instruction as well. A solid phonics curriculum is in place in every K-2 classroom to ensure a solid foundation to carry into reading and writing workshops.
During this year, we have taken time to reflect upon the practices of our school and district through an accreditation review. As we move forward, Hunter Street plans to work on Tier 1 instruction to ensure that critical thinking and problem solving are present as we provide quality work as well as meet students’ individual needs in the classroom.
Jane Wallace, Principal
Beth Mitchell, SIC Chair