Hickory Grove Sharon Elementary School (HGSE) is dedicated to serving all students and providing an equitable, personalized, and challenging curriculum in language arts and mathematics that also prepares students for college and career readiness as designed by the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Teachers are supported through continuous professional development in the areas of literacy, data-driven instruction, technology, social-emotional learning, and blended learning.
Students in our school develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate through leadership opportunities and responsibilities. Our students experienced the application process for leadership positions throughout our school. As students progressed through an interviewing process, they reflected on their personal interests, strengths, and areas of growth. Students earned opportunities to serve on various teams including media, safety, computer science, and agriculture. Our students may also choose to participate in extracurricular activities such as Student Council, Band, Student Ambassadors, Safety Patrol, and Release Time Bible Club. We also highlight student leadership in the arts with displays in our community at the post office, York City Hall, and our district office.
At Hickory Grove Sharon Elementary, we have focused upon personalized learning and professional learning communities where teachers serve as head learners and lead by example by participating in continuous professional development that strengthens instructional practices. Teachers in our school have embraced the Reading, Writing, and Phonics Units of Study as a means to develop life-long readers and writers. Teachers are becoming more responsive and relying on authentic data to help students progress toward mastery of grade level standards. All data from assessments guide teachers to develop instructional plans that are rigorous, remediate weaknesses, and also provide enrichment. Additionally, YSD1 has infused blended learning and technology support for teachers to increase student choice and tech tools in the classrooms.
We are working to not only increase school-wide teaching capacity but also recognizing the fact that if grade levels collaborate to support all students within the grade level and not just the students in a single classroom, we are going to move students and have strong academic growth! Data from SCREADY and SCPASS, NWEA MAP, DRA, as well as summative and formative classroom assessments, defines and drives long-range and short-range instructional planning. Data drives decisions, and it is clear not one layer of instruction can serve ALL students. We believe in delivering multi-tiers of instructional approaches. This school year we have supported our students through Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) with a series of flex grouping opportunities. Supports include enrichment, Response to Intervention (RTI), Behavior Intervention, and Social-Emotional learning through guidance and school-based mental health counseling. We also integrate a Reading Intervention for Students to Excel (RISE) program to support our first and second grade students in the afternoons. Behavior Invention provided by a behavior interventionist is a new service for our students and teachers this school year. Behavior Interventionists are trained monthly through a course, Behavior Skills Training, with strategies and skills needed to assist students with a variety of challenges and needs. Each student is unique and we must address the needs of the whole child in order to achieve success.
Our school’s mission, vision, and beliefs reflect our district’s mission. We truly have a desire to cultivate a service-oriented community of learners who strive for personal growth and excellence as communicators, collaborators, creators, and critical thinkers. YSD1 and HGSE work daily to Learn, Serve, and Give as One. It is the York Way.