Oakland Elementary School helps all students develop the world-class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing academic and social experiences within a safe, supportive, and engaging environment. Our school’s success is the result of providing students with the chance to be creative, work collaboratively, and build life skills.
We are dedicated to providing personalized learning through differentiated instruction, guided reading and math, and our school’s 1:1 technology initiative. We also encourage student ownership of learning through the use of success criteria and providing students with feedback. Students are also provided an opportunity to participate in school clubs and various service learning projects.
We also focus on the areas of health, wellness, and social-emotional well-being. We utilized our walking and nature trails to keep students active and students participated in the SPARK PE curriculum. This year we continued Hero Habits—a character program that helps students to develop and practice life skills. We also monitored our students' social-emotional health and provided small group and individual counseling to meet their needs.
While the 21-22 school year continued to provide challenges, we faced them head on to provide our students with quality face-to-face instruction. We followed SCDHEC guidance to ensure the health and safety of our students and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. We were very blessed to work with families who helped us follow CDC guidelines and changes in quarantine requirements. We had an amazing school year and are thankful for all of our OES students and families. We are so blessed to partner with families as we work together for student success. We love serving our students!
Lora McKillop, Principal
Rachel Johnson, SIC Chair