Dr. Benjamin E. Mays Elementary is helping all students develop the World Class Skills and life career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing both academic and social experiences within a safe and nurturing environment. Our dedicated staff alongside our supportive families and community work diligently to provide opportunities to enable our Mays Rays to achieve their fullest potential and prepare them for tomorrow’s world.
Our teachers are cultivating creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication for all students by developing the academic, social emotional, and behavior components through our Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and the Leader In Me Program. This year we were able to have all of our students back in the building face to face and the growth of our students across the board was phenomenal. Every grade level met and/or exceeded their projected growth on MAP testing in reading and math. This school year one of our goals was to put an intentional focus on our phonics instruction K-5th. Through the use of our new curriculum, teachers setting WIG (Wildly Important Goals) with our students, we were able to see our students soar to new heights. We were able to partner with various agencies throughout our Greenwood community this year, and our plan is to continue to grow this for years to come. By emphasizing the 4 C’s of Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking our Mays Rays were able to experience firsthand the impact of bringing about positive change in a global society.
Our belief is it takes a village to raise a child. Students, teachers, parents, and our Greenwood community participated in various events, which included: Mays Spelling Bee, Covey Club Days, One School One Book, Virtual Talent Shows, Trunk or Treat, Field Day, AR Celebrations, and our MAP celebrations. The Terrific Kids Program recognized our Mays Rays who are showing their SHINE inside and outside of the classroom. We partnered with Piedmont Tech with providing mentorship for some of our Mays Rays in Grades 4th & 5th through the MODELS Academy. We also provided two afterschool programs through the YMCA and the Boys and Girls Club.
Parent involvement is essential to the success of our students. Our PTO is heavily involved in volunteering in our classrooms, supporting our Book Fairs, hosting our Birthday Lunches, and being a supportive participant in any school improvement initiatives. Our Family Nights also encourages the continuation of positive home-school connections.
Our Mays Rays have numerous opportunities to participate in service learning activities that teaches the importance of giving back to the community. Students collected canned goods for the Greenwood Food Bank and raised funds for Kids for Lids, United Way, Relay for Life, Ukraine Drive, and March of Dimes. Our Mays Rays were recognized as fundraising the most in the district for March of Dimes!
We continue to provide professional development to broaden our understanding of our South Carolina Curriculum Standards, Leader In Me utilizing the 7 Habits, Responsive Classroom, and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) initiatives. Our Literacy Coach and MTSS team collaborate to support teachers in providing differentiated instruction to support our Mays Rays. By building common language and common expectations around our school, this has given students more opportunities to experience success and SHINE! These initiatives have allowed teachers to broaden their understanding of core principles for meeting students’ needs academically and emotionally as we grow toward meeting the expectations of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate at Dr. Benjamin E. Mays Elementary.
Mrs. Tiara Watson, Principal
Mrs. Kim McLaughlin, Chair of the School Improvement Council