Our school is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by helping each of its students become leaders at school, at home, and in their communities. We are a Steven Covey Leader in Me Lighthouse school that teaches all students the 7 Habits of highly effective people (Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win-Win, Seek First to Understand then to be Understood, Synergize, and Sharpen the Saw) on a daily basis. The 7 Habits education combined with the high quality standards-based instruction provided by teachers go hand in hand to ensure all students develop the World Class Skills, Knowledge and Characteristics detailed in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.
The mission of Pinecrest Elementary School is to create a safe environment, nurture our diverse community, motivate students, and inspire lifelong learning. This mission is achieved by providing research basis curricular initiatives, growing each one of our students academically, socially, and emotionally through communication, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving and the involvement of our stakeholders. Our faculty and staff understand that it takes a collective effort of each of these entities to educate our young leaders.
Pinecrest Elementary made significate growth based on our MAP scores and our SC Ready and SC Pass scores. We have much work to do but we have pushed the arrow in the correct direction in most grade levels. For the 2021-2022 school year we focused on implementing the Open Court foundational skills with reading being added for the 2022-2023 school year.
During the 2021-2022 school year, Pinecrest earned the distinguished title of Leader in Me ‘Lighthouse School’. To earn this honor, our school produced outstanding results in school and student outcomes by implementing the Leader in Me process with fidelity and excellence.
Pinecrest’s Leader in Me initiative assists the school in helping students become well rounded individuals who will become productive members of society. Leader in Me helps students learn to effective lead times and develop networks. Pinecrest students learn the value of positive self-talk as they embrace a growth mindset when they “Think Win-Win.” Self-reflection is strengthened through goal setting and analysis. All students are able to enhance and practice their communication skills when their class meets with their accountability class once a month. During this time, students discuss their goals, progress and make deposits into others “emotional bank accounts”.
Students are encouraged to complete tasks that require them to create, synthesize, analyze and design. Pinecrest students have the ability to learn independently Every student has access to a Chromebook or an iPad which encourages them to use technology as a creative outlet to show what they are learning and express ideas.
Pinecrest leaders possess the knowledge and ability to design solutions and use sources. Students conduct research projects and are empowered in their learning as they model empathic listening, facilitate small and large group discussions and invite opposing and supporting viewpoints in an academic dialogue. Group assignments in class teach accountability, responsibility, and cooperation, emphasizing engaging as a citizen and habit number one -“Be Proactive.”
According to the results of the MRA (Measurable Results Assessments) a survey and reporting system, that provides schools uncommon insight on the attitudes and behaviors of staff and students, our faculty and staff enjoy working at our school and our students are glad they attend our schools are feel prepared for the work that they are asked to do.
Thank you for all of your support in helping with the development of our future SC graduates and world leaders!
Jennifer Macomson, School Improvement Council Chair
David Grice, Principal