Dr. Eugene Sires Elementary opened in August of 2016 with approximately 780 students and has grown to over 800 students. Dr. Eugene Sires served as an administrator in Dorchester School District Two for many years. He was a highly beloved and respected principal who helped set a high bar for those who followed in his footsteps. Children and adults in our community are forever impacted by Dr. Sires’ legacy.
Our mission is to foster independent thinkers in a safe and nurturing environment where a rigorous curriculum celebrates diversity, creativity and collaboration, and prepares life-long learners. We are honored to have been named a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School in 2021. CKH is a research-based process to improve five key indicators of school performance: fewer discipline referrals, improved attendance, higher student achievement, lower dropout rates, and higher teacher satisfaction.
World Class Knowledge: As is customary in our district, we use benchmarks, universal screeners, and differentiated instruction as just a few tools to help us ensure student success in learning. Staff development focuses on continuing to develop 21st century skills to enhance learning in the classroom. The use of technology is integrated throughout the learning environment to include:
- One-to-One iPads for Child Development, Kindergarten & 1st Grade
- One-to-One Dell laptops for grades 2-5
- 5 instructional math personalized learning programs for grades K-5
- 6 instructional ELA personalized learning programs for grades K-5
- Three 3-D printers
- 50 coding robots
- Class Sets of 3-D pens
- Digital microscopes
These technological resources are utilized to reinforce learning and as tools to personalize instruction.
World Class Skills: Creativity and Innovation are critical skills for our students to hone. We incorporate opportunities throughout the day for students to practice these skills. Coding clubs, Lego club and musical theater are all traditional means to promote creativity along with daily use of technology in the classroom. Students are innovators and creators, and they are encouraged to grow in those areas daily.
Life and Career Characteristics: We strive to encourage diversity, creativity, and collaboration as part of our mission to prepare life-long learners. We aim to develop leaders of character by implementing leadership opportunities. Our students are competent, capable leaders, and we are proud of how hard they work!